Emperor of charmer Zhan exposing to the sun teachs Kucima! His holiday movement does training contes

On September 21 message, zhanmusi mixes giant star of lake person group today teammate people train together, old charmer of lake person name explodes makings, le Bulang is in training contest before horse of at present of library of little younger brother small showed skill, rangkucima is convinced greatly.

Emperor of charmer Zhan exposing to the sun teachs Kucima! His holiday movement does training contest counterpoint unplug 3 minutes of Kucima spread out hand

Horse of at present of library of Le Bulang antagonism

Horse of at present of library of lake person young general this summer is very assiduous, muscle is mad went up many, he ever was in the say in interviewing: "To me, all training of this summer are to maintain my body position, I special wholeheartedly the body that patronizes me, and be in gym ceaselessly him harden oneself, my present training is to arrive next year April when, can have a superexcellent state, and can be on a true path continue to advance. And can be on a true path continue to advance..

Emperor of charmer Zhan exposing to the sun teachs Kucima! His holiday movement does training contest counterpoint unplug 3 minutes of Kucima spread out hand

But train together with Zhanmusi truly, he just knows what calls alliance the first person. Charmer of president of operation of constellation of name of lake person group, basketball writings brush abdicate disclosed the conte of a Lebulang and Kucima about, the Zhanmusi in dual meet trains in today horse of singles library at present hits the target absolutely smash.

"Drill last ball today, everybody knows that is game ball, le Bulang stands, we see he says, ' I will teach Kucima, I myself can create an opportunity, next my meeting writes down 3 minutes of balls in be cast before Kucima. ' "

Emperor of charmer Zhan exposing to the sun teachs Kucima! His holiday movement does training contest counterpoint unplug 3 minutes of Kucima spread out hand

"Subsequently, he takes ball dart, made a false motion a little, aside Peilinka (general manager) be extremely puzzled, ' why can be you shaken to rise by that false start? '

Emperor of charmer Zhan exposing to the sun teachs Kucima! His holiday movement does training contest counterpoint unplug 3 minutes of Kucima spread out hand

Kucima such a pair of expression (shrug, booth watch is shown but) , he does not know what to should do. Le Bulang jumps pitching hand, join a network hollowly. This is great place of Lebulang. He can ground of exert a subtle influence on affects Kucima. If defy with him everyday,practice, you can become stronger. You can become stronger..

Emperor of charmer Zhan exposing to the sun teachs Kucima! His holiday movement does training contest counterpoint unplug 3 minutes of Kucima spread out hand

Charmer speaks of new sports season looking into express, "I am very long not so excited passed. We should feel excited, we brought the member of total champion. We brought the member of total champion..

Speak of Lebulang - when Zhanmusi, charmer says: "He has entered convention to surpass medium-term condition. The utilization rate that we do not hope he is carried in aggression is exorbitant, he need not all the time holding. He everybody the appeal is together, resemble a magnet. This setting is very pretty good. He can be guessed ahead of schedule next 3-4 bout, you can see his ability. You can see his ability..

Emperor of charmer Zhan exposing to the sun teachs Kucima! His holiday movement does training contest counterpoint unplug 3 minutes of Kucima spread out hand

Zhanmusi and new teammate

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