Loan most those who be afraid of is by refus, however in reality, because the individual aptitude of everybody is different, somebody of the hard to avoid when so application borrows money can be borrowed by refus. Should borrow money by refus when, believe everybody thinks most is how to remedy. So, loan by refus hind, what remedy a method?
1. adjusts amount
This is simple, the specified number that for instance you begin to apply for is spent is 30 thousand, then you cross paragraph of time to change 20 thousand try, perhaps can apply for to pass.
2. job information
Position: If be the OK of course and immediate application of manager and so on, but if be free profession person, Xiaoshang door, pack oneself post with respect to need. For example, mr Chen is the sale of line of company some business, when he is applying for loan, can fill in so: Business line sells chief. You look, be on a lot of loftier?
Salary running water: If do not have stable salary running water or salary is cash form, can oneself brush running water, had better be consecutive bank record, amount need not too much, successive stability is good.
Work a plane number: Very much now person works in private company, some borrow friendly likelihood to did not secure a phone, because secure a phone,already very few somebody was being used, but when application borrows money, need to fill in the fixed phone of workplace. How should workplace fill in without fixed phone? Because of the friend that this suggests working fluidity is greater, also can choose to fill in beside a plane number in familiar friend home.
3. crosses paragraph of time to retry try
If you are true special want to capture same small borrow. So, below the circumstance that spends in same data, same specified amount, you spend paragraph of time (for instance after half lunar hind or a month) retry try. Because loan policy has a pine,tighten, if be in same a while is major the user with not quite good aptitude name of the donor, the policy that shows loan then becomes loose in this paragraph of time, the machine rate that applies name of the donor again will be very old!
4. changes a better usurer
For instance, your wife / husband / parents waits, aptitude is good at you. Citing: You are the person that do poineering work, and your wife is officeholder, that finance company is affirmative more apt loan gives you wife!
5. changes channel of a kind of loan
Different loan channel applies for a doorsill to differ, generally speaking, bank loan doorsill is highest, the network borrows money and small lend a company loan doorsill is relatively inferior, if be to be in a bank to be borrowed by refus, can try to apply for a network to borrow money so or search small borrow company loan.
Actually, in borrowing money to imagine without everybody difficult, want you to have steady work and income and good credit only, no matter be application bank loan or network loan, obtain borrowed machine successfully rate is very old.