Huang Youlong of Zhao osmund husband 30 years old of social status a few! Exposure of reason of behi

Huang Youlong of Zhao osmund husband 30 years old of social status a few! Exposure of reason of behind the curtain!

Zhao Wei, everybody is known, recreational group is become Gong Mingxing, from the back because with social status the Huang Youlong of a few marries, and turn for boss of behind the curtain. Two people are China when Gong Mingxing + international local tyrant is allied, fight in some places one by one is encircled at recreation and between commercial group, be very happy with it, advance triumphantly, rely on capital to run coil madly a few RMBs, build up from nothing finally with whole world of impact of success of 6.6 billion social status wealthy person a list of names posted up, rank 1964. In view of speed of Zhao Wei that encircle money, the netizen commends differ, happen to coincide the ground " Oriental female Buffett " flattery sent Zhao Wei. Regrettablly, good times don't last long, zhao Wei's couple runs project of 10 thousand culture to fail, can be maintained to be by card inspect: Baleful empty-handed is too white wolf, be suspected of operating security market, bring about investor disastrous...

Huang Youlong of Zhao osmund husband 30 years old of social status a few! Exposure of reason of behind the curtain!

Allegedly, huang Youlong came out 18 years old to work, one's early years is to make make one's fortune of glass is small business, by right of oneself distinctive eye is done step by step big. Tell everybody at this o'clock, working is impossible, do poineering work only do small business to just have the opportunity that turn over, want to turn over, above all you should have distinctive eye, otherwise the life that your this all one's life works namely!

Huang Youlong of Zhao osmund husband 30 years old of social status a few! Exposure of reason of behind the curtain!


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