Victim or on 1000! Star of show of beautiful true person and property of a medicine of cummer couple

California ever had gone up the doctor of true person show was exploded to go out to invade many female with property of a medicine of cummer couplet at hand recently. Police estimation, the victim may exceed 1000 people.

Victim or on 1000! Star of show of beautiful true person and property of a medicine of cummer couplet at hand invade many woman

Graph: Suspect Gelante

California police is announced 18 days external, gelante of 38 years old (Grant William Robicheaux) the Lai benefit with 31 years old (Cerissa Laura Riley) some earlier this month moment is accused to be raped with medicine, intended graph is atttacked and invade into travel sex wait for multinomial accusation. In addition, two people face the accusation of illegal hold firearms possibly still.

Victim or on 1000! Star of show of beautiful true person and property of a medicine of cummer couplet at hand invade many woman

Graph: Suspect Lai benefit

Police says, in beach of California new harbor (Newport Beach) after several victims call the police, the crime of Gelante and cummer ability is fair all at the world, the photograph that obtains on two hand machine according to police and video, reckon fall victim female may have on 1000 people. Police also appealed more victim stations come out to point to card that day this pair of sweethearts.

Victim or on 1000! Star of show of beautiful true person and property of a medicine of cummer couplet at hand invade many woman

Graph: Gelante and Lai benefit are a pair of sweethearts

Victim or on 1000! Star of show of beautiful true person and property of a medicine of cummer couplet at hand invade many woman

Tony Rackauckas of inquisitor of tangerine county area expresses on the press conference, in a few paragraphs of video, a few females are already drunk arrive (or be by drug) to senseless, invade behavior to cannot revolt completely to the sex of this pair of men and womens.

Rackauckas expresses, gelante and Lai benefit can be in bar " hunt is caught " female, or general their fuddle, or gives them drug.

Two victims express, they were invaded by Gelante and Lai interest sex 2016, before one person is invited, be opposite toward the clique of two people among them, the following day, this female heads for department of police of new harbor beach to call the police, say oneself are raped by drug hind, and her medical check also shows masculine gender.

Victim or on 1000! Star of show of beautiful true person and property of a medicine of cummer couplet at hand invade many woman

One when Gelante ever had attended Bravo is called " ceremony of the appointment on the line of American man " true person is beautiful.

A victim says, oneself are in drunk senseless hind, the apartment of the Gelante that be brought back. She claims Gelante and Lai benefit invaded her in the sex when she is unconscious.

Victim or on 1000! Star of show of beautiful true person and property of a medicine of cummer couplet at hand invade many woman

Gelante is an orthopaedics doctor of California tangerine county, one when he ever had attended Bravo before this is called " ceremony of the appointment on the line of American man " true person is beautiful

Gelante is an orthopaedics doctor of California tangerine county, one when he ever had attended Bravo before this is called " ceremony of the appointment on the line of American man " (Online Dating Rituals Of The American Mal) true person is beautiful. And Lai benefit is expert of a medical treatment.

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