Do not think the white-collar is gone to before 26 million dollar emperor of Zhan of los angeles ass

As 2003 4 first-run of NBA new show, once assorted of wave of player of 11 one of 3 tycoons of the Dragon King of Toronto, Miami, complete star, believe a lot of fan still have impression to him. Tell everybody a good news, wave assorted is preparing actively to reappear, next homes are uncertain.

The wave assorted that grows quickly in fierce dragon is in 2010 go to Miami open in all with Zhanmusi the times that belongs to them. Twice 4 years total champion lets a person remember profundity. 3 tycoons sacrifice on field the biggest is wave assorted. In fierce dragon he is had counterpoise to firinging absolutely, after going to Miami, allow ball right to Zhanmusi and Wei De gradually. Grasp finite aggression opportunity, and defend those who become two champion of Miami is important prop up.

Regain overcomes Zhanmusi after Lifulan, wave assorted and Wei heart choice continue to stay in showing tremendous enthusiasm, showing tremendous enthusiasm also renews the contract with top firewood player of this complete star. 2016 probably Feburary moment, miami transmits unfortunate message, there is the state of occurrence blood clot in the body of wave assorted, team concern continues to use Boshenhui critical his life, showing tremendous enthusiasm stops to let him enter the court forcibly. Wherefrom moment begins wave assorted to even if,had not been hit in NBA a match.

The consideration that showing tremendous enthusiasm prevents wave assorted to play a ball game has two, one of life for wave assorted are safe, do not want to pay wave assorted the salary of high specified number secondly, want showing tremendous enthusiasm not to let wave assorted enter the court only, boshendang of sports season remain all salary to will pay by insurance company sum, once even if showing tremendous enthusiasm of one second time is about,enter the court,pay sum salary. 2017-2018 sports season, wave assorted and team are reached buy outright an agreement, the salary of 2017-18 and 2018-2019 is illuminated get, yearly salary of these two years reachs 26.8 million dollar.

Money has done not have too much meaning to wave assorted, he hopes to return NBA competition ground more. Wave assorted this year already 34 years old, if do not have method to reappear now, this life is afraid do not have an opportunity. As the body restores gradually now, he has begun to originate appeal to alliance, hope NBA allied cancel does not allow the document that he plays a ball game, once alliance agreed, wave assorted is OK return NBA, divulge according to media he heads for lake person of purpose.

According to the report of American media, if wave assorted can regain competition ground, want to be able to pass team check-up only, lake person meets those who reject wave assorted to join in scarcely. The healthy wave assorted two years ago still can be taken present all 21 minutes, 7 rebounds, this data can be complete star level.

Thin dead camel compares Martha, healthy wave assorted actual strength still is some. The planted agent of lake person is relatively at present fragile, young team member is in the majority, wave assorted can be in 4 to lake person a role with be acted important. At the same time Zhanmusi and wave assorted have cooperative experience of 4 years, two people go up in field and is enough tacit agreement below field.

At present Zhanmusi also needs strong helper, wave assorted has done not have what requirement to salary, if wave assorted restores health, lake person base salary can take next wave assorted. NBA is alliance of opposed of a high strenth, wave assorted has left alliance two years, want return competition ground to be afraid should give ability doubly likely.

Each fan friends, do you feel wave assorted joins in the odds of lake person has how old?

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