Folktale: Pagoda presses down unfilial son! Give obituary notice cheat brother of one's mother, nep

Fly tower

Face of the Tang Dynasty of according to legend opens the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor, southwest of temple of cloud of booth forest treasure has piece of surname other people, went out disobedient child call Zhang Jiushun.

Zhang Jiushun in one's childhood, parents is docile and obedient to him, hold in the arms be afraid of in the hand hold painful, put in crural edge to be afraid of stepping, dote on everyday have add. Who expects Zhang Jiushun is grown after the adult, eat one's head off, eat and drink go whoring is betted, the home in a bit onlier belongings do sth over and over again with nothing left, meet not satisfactory job, come home to be scolded again to parents hit again, his father is enraged dead by his while still alive before long.

Folktale: Pagoda presses down unfilial son! Give obituary notice cheat brother of one's mother, nephew meets with day Qian!

Old father dies, way of a bit money was done not have in the home, zhang Jiushun fair-spoken, make all sorts of excuse lend money. This day, zhang Jiushun comes out from gambling house, fluctuate all over a single cent or penny not remnant, was defeated by a with nothing left.

Go all the way, think all the way, feel finally or go to home of brother of one's mother cheating bout again.

Then, zhang Jiushun is driven toward home of brother of one's mother directly, saw brother of one's mother complain tearfully path: "Brother of one's mother, go to the bad of evening of my woman yesterday is cruel die, in home stopping cadaver. But I am impecunious, be forced to lend a few mortuary money! Be forced to lend a few mortuary money!!

Zhang Jiushun brother of one's mother is fierce the girl sudden attack of a severe illness that hears bitter lot and die, immediately sad and more than, also did not make thoughtful, after wiping an old tear, take out 12 silver hastily, a place of strategic importance gives Zhang Jiushun to: "Nephew you come home first go holding handle your woman funeral arrangement, I come to brother of one's mother subsequently. I come to brother of one's mother subsequently..

Zhang Jiushun cannot think of to scatter a lie easily, money is cheated again in one's hand, feeling pleased had received fund, also disregard freely of old tear of brother of one's mother, arrived to well balanced later on Lin Jie, after filling full belly, get into gambling house directly again. But Zhang Jiushun is luck really too back, bet carry extreme difference, be less than two time, he cheats the silver that come to be defeated by light completely again from home of brother of one's mother.

Come out from gambling house, zhang Jiushun sighs at the same time, go in home of face of at a leisurely pace at the same time, went up to come up against the old uncle that just came out from his home however on the way.

Old uncle sees Zhang Jiushun, not by anger rise from the heart, stay in hold tight he, waved to hit spank toward his face, hit continuously Zhang Jiushun see stars, confused and disoriented. He wants to was less than old uncle to listen to the lie of his kite, the meeting is anxious first him one pace hurries to the home in, saw old woman, of course the lie is accused broken.

After old uncle spank is hit, still indissoluble gas, scold: "You this is disobedient unfilial son, or else gives up evil and return to good, blame thunder by the day bang cannot! Blame thunder by the day bang cannot!!

But Zhang Jiushun still is obstinately stick to a wrong course, all the day do-nothing, come home to vent his anger toward his woman body, blame scold hit namely. Did not pass a few days, zhang Jiushun's woman's true take to one's bed and never leave it again, died very quickly.

See old woman died really, zhang Jiushun gives obituary notice to home of brother of one's mother hastily lend money. Brother of one's mother already had been duped, also do not believe Zhang Jiushun's word again, bier money also does not borrow one minute.

Zhang Jiushun does not have method, be forced to come home. Can seeing old woman always is not a thing in such homes stopping cadaver, go up with the bed broken straw mat, wrap old woman body, carry old woman body on the back next, run quickly toward hillock of the riprap after house, preparative carelessly one bury finishs sth.

Folktale: Pagoda presses down unfilial son! Give obituary notice cheat brother of one's mother, nephew meets with day Qian!

This one evening, lunar cold star is rare, zhang Jiushun is then ferial in eat one's head off be used to, old woman body did not take a few steps on the back, tired kubla khah dripping wet, breathless. Took a few steps forth again constrainedly, below abrupt leg one soft, "Pit-a-pat " trip is in the ground. All over the Zhang Jiushun of wead and limp sits on the ground, did not want to rise unexpectedly. He secretly: "Woman ah are not a hard job to a son again, anyway I am the back does not move you. " think again subsequently: "Fall here, is it possible that does old woman want to leave herein? " lower his head to see the body that lousy place wraps on the ground, moon falls to see old woman has Yin Guangyi to shine on the ear inside messy white hair suddenly, remember to there still is link of a pair of tremellas on old woman ear immediately, forget unexpectedly get off. At this moment Zhang Jiushun hastily annulus of this pair of tremella on ear of tear down old woman, heart path of Li Xizi grow: "It is cooperate of the ruler of heaven really, want to was less than old woman to die to still leave a son to be made to tremella annulus bet endowment. " had on the hand bet endowment, zhang Jiushun's heart flies to gambling house again. He already was not considered at this moment on body of bury old woman. The old woman body that touchs straw mat wrap up with tiptoe: "For disobedient name is carried on the back already, now do not blame me to go again disobedient thing. " say to also be disinclined to dig hole of bury person grave, conveniently has been caught beside fine stone of a few withered careless broken earth, scattered a few at random toward his woman body, be about to pat the buttock to go next the person goes gambling house.

At that time, day emperor is huffish, feel the world stays this waits disobedient child, it is providential really hard look. Then in the air thunder blare, see a flying tower falls from the day, pin the Zhang Jiushun that face about hurries on with his journey toward gambling house sock. In the meantime, abrupt thunder accompanies each other, basin of bend of a rainstorm and below. After thunderstorm passes, fly old woman body keeps the Zhang Jiushun on tower edge place, see a new grave is raised. Stay on the gravestone before grave have big character: Raise disobedient meet with cross, fly pagoda presses down unfilial son.

From now on people meets place disobedient when with respect to cuss he goes out should be flown to the tower is suppressed.

Anise well

A lot of years before, well balanced Lin Zhen reads caboodle east side has an anise well. Leave anise well not far to living a Shen Er, although the home is medium poor, have company of book of two box sages and men of virtue however, carry light dark to read all night.

Shen Er was married south Miss Li Jiasan is the street wife, because Home Shen Er is too poor, home Li is right Chang Leng of 3 son-in-law Shen Erfei is weak, very look down on him.

Folktale: Pagoda presses down unfilial son! Give obituary notice cheat brother of one's mother, nephew meets with day Qian!

The father-in-law of this day of Shen Er 60 old age, shen Er with go congratulating an elderly person on his birthday before the wife. Skill of the old son that before that Home Li madam sees, will congratulate an elderly person on his birthday, 2 son-in-law is ostentatious, ceremony of congratulate on sb's birthday serves a string big, and 3 son-in-law Shenyang carries some of fruit and one basket egg 2 times, in the heart with respect to the old grouchy. Arrive when banquet has a meal, excuse guest is much, dismiss Shen Er to hutch room and servents eat together. Eye of Miss Li Jiasan sees person of a married woman's parents' home teases the man so, be indignant ground had hutch room with Shen Eryi. Then Shen Er arrived between the kitchen, drink one after another left 3 bowls of big frowsty alcoholic drink, drink top-heavily continuously, weepy. His wife is tearful uprear husband comes home.

On the way home, shen Er thinks of to meet with in place of wife's father home cold reception humiliate, feel oneself are full reading Shi Wen not to have a scholarly honour and official rank however is sadness really. Go to read then caboodle east by the side of the anise well of side, lending a tipsy feeling, column of well of a go at is encircled, the bottom of a well of strong pitch-dark cries: "Like me Shen Ershang has the day that come forward, ask you to answer I am 3, otherwise me at this point give up the idea forever, go after a scholarly honour and official rank no longer from now on. Go after a scholarly honour and official rank no longer from now on..

His wife listened the heart thinks: "A well can answer how person word, fair be head be faintinged by energy of life of my woman family. " unexpectedly Shenyang demur sound just fell, the bottom of a well is transmitted really " pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat, pit-a-pat " 3 noise, be like in should word. Husband and wife two frightened jump, can think this is anise well a ghost show its presence or power certainly again immediately.

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