Enclothe circumference 400 kilometers, arrange of many missile battalion headquarters overcomes Russ

The beautiful Russia competition in Syria is increasingly intense, both sides also does not have at a loose end privately. Before paragraph armed leader of folk of the eastpart part of time Wu Kelan is assassinated, with governmental army also erupted a conflict. Face the United States to instigate Wu Kelan rise in revolt suddenly, russia can make response only. The report of Russia satellite news service recently, russia decorates the battalion of missile of air defence of the 3rd S400 around peninsula of the Mi Ya in the gram to had finished actual combat to change deploy, be about to begin deploy battalion of missile of air defence of the 4th S400.

Enclothe circumference 400 kilometers, arrange of many missile battalion headquarters overcomes Russia li of Mi Yamei intermediary: The plan goes broke

It is reported, deploy know exactly about sth is returned to cover all round battalion of these air defence missile " armor " system of the syncretic that play one of the pieces in Chinese chess, fire missile a layer layer to protect. After battalion of missile of the 4th S400 finishs actual combat deploy, missile of Russia air defence maintains in peninsula of the Mi Ya in the gram " defend umbrella " radius makes an appointment with 400 kilometers, radar explores a distance to achieve 600 kilometers, achieved territorial air of pair of peninsula of the Mi Ya in the gram basically enclothe. When Russian army spokesman faces media to interview, express, the purpose of deploy of these S400 missile battalion is the massive air strike that avoids arise suddenly of Wu Kelan direction.

Enclothe circumference 400 kilometers, arrange of many missile battalion headquarters overcomes Russia li of Mi Yamei intermediary: The plan goes broke

This is pardonable also, crane stopped black quickly to sign 11 years long already " good treaty of Russian Wu You " , airport of gram of Ci of Du Nie of armed pilot of the eastpart part is planted early by Wukelante force is occupational. Polish requirement United States undertakes to its permanent garrison also got the response of the Pentagon, once the U.S. Army is in battleplan of deploy of this two countries, can browbeat directly even Muscovite. So Russia is in send strategic bomber to enter the space after cruise mediterranean undertakes demonstrate sex has flown, browbeat in the sky that chose to increase number to cover system of missile of S400 air defence to exist in order to answer a likelihood in peninsula of the Mi Ya in the gram.

Enclothe circumference 400 kilometers, arrange of many missile battalion headquarters overcomes Russia li of Mi Yamei intermediary: The plan goes broke

Face American rearward to incite Wukelan's act, russia is done not have too too assail. Chose to answer in order to act back and forth however, cover 4 S400 battalion and number directly " armor " deploy of system of the syncretic that play one of the pieces in Chinese chess arrived to overcome li of Mi Ya peninsula. The Pentagon is right S400 very dread, even if captured the Du Nie Ci in armed hand of folk of Wu Kelan the eastpart part overcomes the airport, not affect the whole also to Russia, because in the sky overcome li of Mi Ya peninsula,be blocked Yan Yan is solidly. Of American this one plan come to nothing, lost power of one one or two undoubtedly.

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