Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Hi everybody is good

I am for nothing the Josh of constellation company

Will quickly see you the movement power of this week how ~

Ascendant constellation gives priority to this movement power, sun constellation is complementary

Can consult at the same time

Rise or sun Aries

The life primary of this week Aries and Venus still are in mutual torture gram, the young associate of Aries people the ailment that still wants advertent and healthy field is painful, may have the state of a few oedema, agnail especially, remember preventing well.

Additional, saturn and Mercury ended Xing Ke to concern in this week, add Saturn and Venus to have a harmony phasic, aries people begin to pick up somewhat in the movement power of career respect, the money income that partial person can receive be brought on a few jobs.

But in light of gram of punishment of knot alloy fire and gram of earthy day punishment, also showing some people to there can be duty field in this paragraph of time the trouble of human side. Need the cooperative relationship on careful work especially, partial person has the possibility that be used by the friend or is cheated by hole when collaboration, harm working interest accordingly or be gold. The attention wants to be treated carefully, avoid to produce above condition.

Amative respect, integral movement power has a bit pick up. Exist before a few communicate the misunderstanding that go up and contradiction to be able to be in this week is able to alleviate, amative relation also alleviates somewhat, but the temperament that still should notice to had controlled oneself ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Circumstance of healthy, duty makes an impact

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or the sun is taurine

The life primary Venus of this week Taurus and spark still are in continuously Xing Kezhong, still affecting Taurus people the movement power in health and human relation respect. In healthy respect, fraction person may have intestines and stomach, guttural, inflammation, the symptom such as insomnia, remember advertent precaution, also want to spend time to run human concern at the same time.

Additional, mercury is in entered Libra last weekend, also ended to be overcome with the mutual torture between Saturn in this week at the same time, taurine young associate people the phase that is about to end unfavorable investment, greet money carry respect integral promotion. Also begin to pick up gradually in the movement power of working respect, the Taurus that has working respect program and cause people the proposal has held the level with this carry good sign

Amative respect, gram of golden fire punishment may cause the stick to one's position that is retained in respect of a few quarrel with other in part, want to be able to communicate communication patiently only nevertheless, say the word to be clear about, can dissolve contradiction ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Healthy state, the communication of amative respect

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun Gemini

Mercury was in the life primary of Gemini to enter Libra last weekend, break away from anxious injury condition gradually in this week, before making Gemini people get alleviating in the contradictory misunderstanding of human relation and amative respect.

Additional, life primary Mercury ended to be overcome with the mutual torture between Saturn in this week, make partial Gemini has promotion a bit in the movement power of healthy respect, but Saturn and sun and Venus and spark last two groups this Xing Ke's relation, still can bring the issue of a few healthy respects to Gemini, the attention avoids the oedema that overworked causes, allergic, agnail, the state such as insomnia.

Amative respect, although Mercury breaks away from anxious injury to be able to reduce Gemini greatly people mood problem, and bring the promotion of amative movement power, but gram of golden fire punishment and gram of earthy day punishment still also are in affecting Gemini people the communication problem with other in part, still should notice to avoid to have oral stick to one's position when getting along with the other side ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Conflict of healthy state, quarrel

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun Cancer

This week administer Cancer communication palace Mercury ended to be overcome with the mutual torture between Saturn, cancer young associate people the integral movement power that receives love and human relation respect takes a favourable turn, combinative Mercury breaks away from anxious injury condition, a lot of a few misunderstanding before and contradictory metropolis slowly unlock.

Additional, career respect also greets small rise period, but partial person or meeting have duty field the problem of human relation, and meet affect working condition, remember avoiding alertly ~

Nevertheless, saturn and sun still are in persistent punishment gram relation, cancer young associate people still can have a few financial standing. Carry in this money not the phase of beautiful, should notice to control good expenditure ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Duty field human, financial management

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun Leo

The life primary sun of this week Leo and Saturn still are in continuously Xing Kezhong, the lion people the problem that can have a few healthy sides as before, it is working strain more. Also be being returned in human relation respect is can a few more incidental oral the conflict that go up. The Xing Ke that additionally knot alloy star and spark last concerns, partial person also can have quarrel contradiction in domestic concern. These young associate that are Leo people should notice to remember avoid.

Next good news is, mercury enters Libra, ended to concern with the Xing Ke between Saturn, and broke away from anxious injury condition, make article of the suffer unexpected personal financial losses before partial Leo, money loses wait for a problem to be able to improve. In career respect, partial person can have the monetary profit on a few jobs, before the contradiction in human relation misunderstands duty field to also get settlement slowly.

Amative respect, partial Leo can have so out of control of a few days of moods, produce conflict with the other side. Be sure to keep in mind to because,do not want temporarily actuation and harmed other in part ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Control disposition, avoid conflict

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or the sun is maiden

Above all good news is, this week is maiden the condition that life primary Mercury walks out of anxious injury gradually, make maiden young associate people begin to break away from confused state slowly, also meet in respect of mood state of mind smoother and smoother. Additional, combinative Mercury ended to be overcome with the mutual torture between Saturn, the movement power of career respect also is rising stage by stage.

But Venus and spark still are in continuously Xing Kezhong, this easy suffer unexpected personal financial losses and the level that impulse consumes, the program that records so that make financial defray field ahead of schedule ~

Amative respect, the punishment gram relation that earthy day lasts can make a part maiden happen easily when get along with other in part a few " ineffable misunderstanding " , add gram of golden fire punishment to be able to give maiden people the be agitated when bringing language communication and impulse, the proposal is in this phase is a bit more floriferous patience and the other side are communicated well ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Financial program, in love disposition is controlled in getting along

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun Libra

This week sun entered Libra, the young associate that wishs all Libra ahead of schedule people birthday joy ~

The sun will to Libra can give Libra people the movement power promotion that brings money carry side, partial person can receive the monetary income of working respect. Lone Libra people (schoolgirl) can have in a the middle of a month appear the opportunity of good opposite sex boy or girl friend, or it is in the job the respect gets acquainted with noble, remember holding this level alertly ~

Saturn and Mercury ended Xing Ke to concern in this week, the contradictory meeting that produces in domestic concern before Libra gets tension, partial person is on-the-job the dispute with a human medium relation also can get intercessory.

Finally, life primary Venus and spark still are in persistent punishment gram relation, libra people should notice financial expense as before, and all sorts of inflammation prevent in healthy respect ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Prevent inflammation, expense

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun Scorpio

Above all, venus and spark still are in continuously Xing Kezhong, this is Scorpio health condition not the phase of beautiful, appear easily also the condition that working strain causes small slight illness, this paragraph of time should notice to prevent all sorts of inflammation, oedema, the problem such as insomnia. At the same time gram of golden fire punishment still also is in affecting Scorpio people human relation, remember to control good temperament in daily intercourse ~

Additional, the sun entered the 12 palace of Scorpio in this week, make the movement power of Scorpio career respect begins to glide. Nevertheless Mercury ended to concern with the Xing Ke between Saturn, also can make Scorpio people respect of on-the-job field concern no longer so nervous.

Amative respect, venus stays on Scorpio as before, as mutual as spark torture is overcome, to Scorpio people amative movement power brings a few negative effects, especially easy and sensitive want too much, the mood is not stable. Want to remember adjusting mood and state of mind in this paragraph of time, run the concern with other in part well ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Healthy, human, management feeling concerns

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun archer

This week administer archer Guan Lu palace Mercury ended to be overcome with the punishment between Saturn, entered archer early or late with auspicious star sun 11 palace, make archer begin to pick up in the movement power of career respect, the noble look that partial person can get working going up is aided or be the friend helps.

The contradiction of human relation respect and misunderstanding also end Xing Ke and Mercury to break away from anxious injury to begin to reconcile slowly as natural environment, and this paragraph of time suits run gregarious concern, can be helpful for the development on the job.

Amative respect, the Xing Kehui that lasts between Jin Huozhi makes archer because the mood is reached,have a few easily communicate the problem that go up to bring ineffable misunderstanding and conflict, this is actually this needless happening, should have noticed only with other in part communicate and control mood of one conditions or feelings of the lower levels to be able to avoid appropriately ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: With the detail when other in part gets along, develop gregarious relationship

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun Capricorn

Zhou Taiyang and this Mercury come to the Capricorn early or late zenithal, add the mutual Xing Ke between earthy day, to the Capricorn for young associate half of stand or fall. Partial person can get in career respect noble photograph is aided, also may have the unwary small accident on the job at the same time, and the Zhang sheet of arise suddenly pays expenses, remember preventing. The Xing Ke that knot alloy star and spark last concerns, capricorn can get tired of in this paragraph of time the job and duty field are human, but the integral movement power of career respect is in ascendant phase, although tired but the results that also can get answering relatively on the job, should continue to hold to

Additional, saturn and Mercury ended Xing Ke to concern, make Capricorn have a bit in the movement power of money carry and healthy respect pick up.

Amative respect, integral carry sign is good, understanding is tired but also have sweetness, go up in the indication of star and need special attention without what, the joys and sorrows of life that goes enjoying love to bring well ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Prevent working small accident, program finance affairs pays expenses

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun water bottle

This week water bottle beautiful of integral movement power

It is the sun and Mercury left water bottle early or late above all the 8th palace, and Mercury also ended overcome with the mutual torture between Saturn, make partial water bottle before beginning to be walked out of gradually, be in human relation respect and with other in part between misapprehensive contradiction, suffer delusive wait for a state, also begin to pick up in the movement power of healthy respect. Nevertheless Saturn and sun still are in continuously Xing Kezhong, still need attention and friend in daily intercourse between get along detail.

Additional, venus concerns cheek by jowl with what last between spark, still affecting water bottle with the relation between family, also can make partial person may feel intentional and faint in career respect at the same time, or it is to get tired of working schedule, but power of integral job movement shows ascendant level, want hard to pay what can pay off only in this paragraph of time, add a strong yo ~ again

Sign of amour respect carry is good, what need an attention exclusively is the oral conflict that precautionary mood impulse brings, cause the condition with diluent enthusiastic both sides.

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: The family concerns

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Rise or sun Pisces

This week held add and the sun that Saturn punishment overcomes to enter Libra, the palace of disease be stranded that also is Pisces, make Pisces glides further in the movement power of healthy respect, partial young associate people may fall ill suddenly, remember been close friends patronize oneself body, prevent all sorts of slight illness.

Nevertheless, mercury ended to be overcome with the punishment between Saturn, can make the whole of Pisces human the relation begins to improve.

Amative respect, the moon is in this week is so brief that this week as mutual as spark torture overcomes while, be opposite again strong Jupiter and Venus, make Pisces can have so 1-2 sky rises and fall in emotional respect mood bigger, at the same time between Jin Huozhi continuously Xing Ke still also can make Pisces people the problem that existence mood consumes, adjust as far as possible good intention affection ~

Item of this Zhou Zhu meaning: Precaution falls ill suddenly, adjust the mood

Power of 12 constellation movement " 9.24-9.30 " : This week notes healthy problem

Was opposite, just be the Mid-autumn Festival, wish everybody the Mid-autumn Festival is happy ~

Last hope looks to be able to be brought to you lucky

Collect of the comment that nod assist is lucky ~

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