Zhang Jie ever begged a song publicly to meet with however to Li Jian refus, this word all shows Li

<span Class="bjh-h3"> Zhang Jie ever begged a song publicly to meet with however to Li Jian refus, a word all shows Li Jian tall affection business, netizen: Talent

Zhang Jie ever begged a song publicly to meet with however to Li Jian refus, this word all shows Li Jian tall affection business, netizen talent

Believe now respecting Li Jian this name, should not know him without the person, he is a singer that there is talent particularly in musical group really, what make a person very interrogative nevertheless is, have a person of talent so, be in actually some earlier year when do not have what fame. Li Jian is the actually earliest it is to regard as recommend unripe enter Tsinghua college, more water wood time cooperated to combine together with respect to He Lugeng Qu when graduating, the first song that issues at that time is red alled over great river north and south, nevertheless two people read aloud disaccord to part company because of phonic music theory however later.

Zhang Jie ever begged a song publicly to meet with however to Li Jian refus, this word all shows Li Jian tall affection business, netizen talent

Evermore, li Jian puts idea on his musical career all the time, him precipitation, creation gave a lot of outstanding work, a that when write with respect to the Wang Fei after for instance he gives a day " legend " , must say this song suits the sound ray of the Queen of heaven particularly really, the empty spirit her is beautiful and all showed come out, later is He Sunli collaboration more, in spring performed in the evening " wind blows rippling wheat " , from now on he began to have name gradually. Again later, he played a few music kind program of put together art, because this begins,have this moment formally.

Zhang Jie ever begged a song publicly to meet with however to Li Jian refus, this word all shows Li Jian tall affection business, netizen talent

And friends of art section purpose understand a lot of put together that had seen him attend certainly, he is having how outstanding show in the program, there is talent in musically not only, true feeling letting a person does an individual is especially other and outstanding, and frequency gives gold sentence, humanness returns special humour, spoken parts in an opera a person that has talent so, before can saying only, he does not think fire just. And attend recently " nice voice " in, he shows the talent that gave him to everybody again, must say to he is really literary male god, in the program every time to the player comment on special have level.

Zhang Jie ever begged a song publicly to meet with however to Li Jian refus, this word all shows Li Jian tall affection business, netizen talent

Be in nevertheless before the put together that attend art program " I am a singer in " , he and when red male singer Zhang Jie also has had a paragraph of communication now, the talent that believes Li Jian is be obvious to all, so Zhang Jie also is to find him designedly, open in the program hope can beg a song to him, actually this also very accord with Zhang Jie's consistent style, piece learning ceaselessly all the time since the way is so old, and be bent on music, nevertheless Li Jian rejected him however.

Zhang Jie ever begged a song publicly to meet with however to Li Jian refus, this word all shows Li Jian tall affection business, netizen talent

Li Jian said a word at that time, all show his tall affection businessman, if I write the word of the song to you before,he says, that subdued you namely, but I feel you still can have better result now, so I also want to wait a moment again. A such word also is to let a person cannot be refuted really, already politely rejected others, and also retained reputation to the family. A lot of netizens hear this paragraph of word also is to express, be worthy of is Tsinghua talent, do not know everybody to this thing be how look?

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