Him him boiler carries on the back: Administrative not to be pooh-poohed sends full oily battleship

Him him boiler carries on the back: Administrative not to be pooh-poohed sends full oily battleship to sink be afraid of divulge an U.S. Army to be solved from dig down

Salvage boat and carry oil tanker to had stopped in upper part of battleship of Europe root infante

American army is trying to will sink to be added in boast forest atoll (the fuel of the battleship interior that Kwajalein Atoll) adds coastal waters end 72 years reclaims, interesting is it not be American warship even. This is a World War II name of De Jun's well-known Europe root infante (Prinz Eugen) battleship, in erode in agelong seawater below, the fuel inside its ship system is probable outside discharge, pollute the ocean around. Because decision of this U.S. Army is in draw-out October this year the embedded fuel on this naval vessel.

Report according to masses machinery, after the Second World War ends, infante of heavy-duty cruiser Ou Gen regards American general Germany as booty the United States that be delivered to is naval, be in subsequently July 1946, american navy undertakes its deploy twice the nucleus is played in bikini atoll try explode attack. It is to explode for nothing, it is water interview explode. This action namely well-known code name is " crossroad acts " nuclear test project. At that time, american navy centered the battleship with 80 battle powerful force to attend to try this explode. Include Sa to pull among them hold naval vessel of fight of order of plus aircraft carrier, new York in the palm, japan grows door date battleship, still have number of Europe root infante.

Explode as a result of distance nucleus fortunately nevertheless the center is further, it is about outside 1.6 kilometers, date of Europe root infante is played through two nucleuses try after exploding, do not have by bombard and sink, but because be brought about its by the nuclear radiation of great strength,ship system also has radioactivity, because this U.S. Army pulls his boast,add forest atoll park, sunken after ocean wave eats 6 months. Today, this battleship still can see it put upside down in shallow water in the coastal edge of Enubuj island, its airscrew shows offing.

Him him boiler carries on the back: Administrative not to be pooh-poohed sends full oily battleship to sink be afraid of divulge an U.S. Army to be solved from dig down

The battleship of date of Europe root infante that hanging American ensign in January 1946

Come a few years, experts fear this has emissive warship, the fuel inside its cabin may leak arrives in Pacific Ocean. What to because department of defense of this United States has something made to order definitely,nod.

1974, american army warning says, the oil on this Germany warship still exists divulge a risk, answer to be demolished inside 30 years. This is the report of American fish and wild animal management board about cleared process feasibility. Show according to this report, date of Europe root infante because of the typhoon destroy bring about sunken, appear divulge a phenomenon. Come for years, lesser leakage oily phenomenon had appeared a few times on its ship system.

American army, navy and Micronesia republic composition combine a group, can investigate the case of date of Europe root infante above all, the U.S. Army salvages a boat to surpass Er Buddha mark (USNS Salvor) and date of hamburger of carry oily naval vessel (already direct anchor is in Humber) upper part of number of Ou Gen infante. According to army estimation, there still are 2767 tons of fuels on naval vessel, because be played in the nucleus at the outset,this is try explosion of the test in exploding to meet affect to be fully loaded with the warship of fuel what to produce.

The U.S. Army plans to use the water knife technology that develops by Norwegian company Miko Marine, use electro-magnet to draw warship near first, dissection with water knife next a hole, install system of a valve, come next draw-out fuel. This technology had had practical experience, once cleared 2003 the American navy close cc that is used to hold merman thunder send to the bottom by Japanese is made of baked clay date (the odd fuel inside USS Mississinewa) battleship.

Him him boiler carries on the back: Administrative not to be pooh-poohed sends full oily battleship to sink be afraid of divulge an U.S. Army to be solved from dig down

Can clear see convert the battleship of date of Ou Gen infante in the sea

And battleship of date of Europe root infante is in constant shallow water the sunken means of convert also makes draw-out fuel more simple. This old cruiser stores major fuel in the storage tank with adjacent of photograph of ship system bulkhead. Draw-out oil begins before American army predicts this action will be by October 2018.

Date of Europe root infante is heavy-duty 3 naval vessel that cruiser is class of Xi Peier admiral, also be at that time one of naval ships with German the biggest navy, install 8 203 millimeter advocate prepare Chinese medicine by roasting it in a panbig gun, highest speek of a ship or plane achieves 33. This naval vessel ever was participated in famous " Danish channel naval battle " (Battle Of The Denmark Strait) , the naval force that this battle forms by Europe root infante and battleship of date of Si Mai ining order to, england date of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad heart gives cruiser of royal naval battle bombard and sink.

Him him boiler carries on the back: Administrative not to be pooh-poohed sends full oily battleship to sink be afraid of divulge an U.S. Army to be solved from dig down

The airscrew of battleship of date of Europe root infante that extends offing

England accepts naval force of Germany of revengeful action encircle and suppress later, in order to finally Si Mai date by bombard and sink, but date of Europe root infante is withheld come down, return Germany to undertake maintaining. Later, date of Europe root infante participated in Beijing University again West, Baltic a few maritime fight the action, quite fortunately, be opposite as war situation Germany is adverse, most German surface naval vessel or by bombard and sink or it is to sink oneself, but the booty that date of Europe root infante held to a war to end American all the time however.

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