Elementary school taught case of persons qualified to teach card 2018 " educational knowledge and a

One, what is the development trend of contemporary education?

Answer: 1, strengthen what preschool education and elementary school teach to join

2, aggrandizement popularizes compulsory education and lengthen compulsory education year

3, the way that common education and professional education filter each other forward develops

4, the type of higher education increasingly diversification

5, education of record of formal schooling and the bounds that are not education of record of formal schooling chase scumble

6, is system of education helpful for international communicating me the development trend that course of enough elementary school reforms?

2, the development trend that course of our country elementary school reforms?

Answer: 1, strengthen omnibus, the whole of outstanding course teachs a function

2, strengthen practicality, outstanding student autonomy, explore learns simply

3, strengthen flexibility, reflect curricular adaptability

3, the approach that summarizes elementary school moral education?

Answer: 1, class of thought moral character and other subject education

2, extracurricular activity and outside school activity

3, labor

4, Young Pioneers activity

5, classmaster works

4, the basic method that our country elementary school manages?

Answer: 1, administrative method 2, legal method 3, educational method 4, economic method 5, academic method

5, the method that elementary school class manages?

Answer: 1, system government method 2, democracy management method 3, the student manages law, 4 affection to communicate a law independently law of 5 management by objectives

6, the principle that elementary school class manages?

Answer: 1, democratic sex 2, integral sex 3, efficient sex

7, how does the design teach research program?

Answer: (1) determines research kind and method. (2) chooses to study a target (3) analysis research is variable. (4) forms research program.

8, the basic link that summarizes educational research?

Answer: The organization of the conception of 1 research and design, 2 research and carry out, the analysis of 3 achievement and summary

9, the fundamental that teachs research?

Answer: Principle of 1 objectivity principle, 2 systematization principle, 3 theory and principle of practice photograph union, 4 education sex

10, what respect should the hygiene of pupil note?

Answer: (1) maintains correct pose, organize proper sports activity and physical labor.

(2) protects a tooth, develop the have dinner habit with good children.

(The hygiene of 3) eye and ear. (4) maintains reasonable nutrition and good habits and customs. (5) notices to use cerebral sanitation.

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11, method of commonly used elementary school teaching answers:

Tuitional law, talk law, discussion law, practice law, demonstrate a standard

12, communicate the administrative action that is in the school?

Answer: Deliver information, control, incentive, affection communication

13, the way that the school develops mental health to teach?

Answer: 1, open mental health to teach concerned course. 2, open psychology to coach mobile class. 3, the content that mental health teachs is permeated in discipline education. 4, join class, group activity begins mental health education. 5, individual psychology coachs or seek advice. 6, group mentality coachs.

Does 14 cloth Lu Baji review a method?

Answer: Review research of diary, detailed description, communication discussion, action

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15, education principle definition, which a few principles are there? The definition of the principle, note? The key inspires sexual principle.

Answer: It is the education goal with stated basis, the basic standard that the directive teacher and student that reflect education pattern and makes works and requirement.

Principle: 1) intuitionistic sex principle

The main demand that carries out intuitionistic sex principle is:

① chooses direct teaching aid and modern education measure correctly. Direct teaching aid can divide it is two kinds: It is objective intuitionistic; 2 it is picture intuitionistic. ② is intuitionistic should with explain photograph union. ③ takes carry diction character seriously intuitionistic. The teacher explains with what language Yan Zunsheng moves, the description of figure, can give a student the knowledge with sensibility.

(2) inspire sexual principle

Carrying out the main demand that inspires sexual principle is: ① brings the initiative of student learning into play. Bringing student learning initiative into play is instructive first issue, the teacher should be good at make the best use of the circumstances, arouse student initiative, desire and interest, assemble and development are the durable power that urges study. ② inspires a student to think independently, expand logistic thinking capacity of the student. ③ lets a student start work, education solves the ability of the problem independently. ④ develops education democracy.

(3) consolidate sexual principle

Consolidate the main demand of sexual principle is: ① consolidates on the foundation of understanding. ② takes an organization seriously all sorts of reviewing. ③ consolidates actively in augment reorganizations and using knowledge.

(4) successive principle

The main demand that carries out successive principle is: ① has teacher and student by the systematization of teaching material. ② notices main contradiction, had solved

The education of key and difficulty. ③ by shallow enter deep, by it is difficult to arrive easily, by brief arrive numerous.

(5) principle of teach students in accordance of their aptitude

The main demand that carries out principle of teach students in accordance of their aptitude is: ① has distinguishing teacher and student in the light of the student's characteristic. The teacher ought to understand the characteristic that body of every student De Zhi develops, each course learns the circumstance of be used to and result, have He Xing interesting, hobby and be good at and insufficient place, next purposeful teach students in accordance of their aptitude. ② takes effective measures, make the student that has ability gets sufficient progress.

(6) principle of integration of theory with practice

The main demand that carries out principle of integration of theory with practice is: The education of book learning should pay attention to ① connection is actual. ② takes education student seriously to use intellectual capacity. ③ handles intellectual education and the relation that skill trains correctly. The agrestic teaching material with compensatory and necessary ④ .

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16, teaching method definition? A few kinds of methods, note, the key is conversational law.

Answer: Teaching method is uses to finish teaching job method. It includes the method that the method that the teacher teachs and student learn. It is pedagogic guiding the skill of student control knowledge, method that achieves progress of body and mind.

Commonly used method has tuitional law, talk law, discussion law, exercise way, demonstrate a standard.

(2) the main demand of law of conversational law talk is: The first, want to prepare problem and conversational plan. The 2nd, the question that raise wants clear, specific. The 3rd, should be good at inspiring revulsive. The 4th, want to had done Baconian, brief summary.

Class gives lessons the actor defect that make:

Advantage: (1) be helpful for large area ground developing a person with ability. (2) the dominant action that is helpful for producing a teacher. (3) those who be helpful for a system impart knowledge. (4) the it is certain to be begun normally and be achieved quality that rigid system assures education

Class gives lessons the defect that make:

(1) the study that basically behaves the book learning that emphasizing a system, easy generation theory and be out of line actually, and the student basically accepts off-the-peg intellectual positive result, its explore gender, creativity to be developed not easily. (2) the standard that emphasizes education process, synchronous, unified, get used to the student's individual differences completely hard, go against teach students in accordance of their aptitude. (3) main body position of the student is restricted certainly, education activity is decided directly by the teacher more. Of the student start work the chance is little, practicality is not strong, devoid independent character. (4) education content, when ask the program with the process is changed, contain more education content and method hard, innovate hard. (5) the limitation as a result of class hour, the teacher is teaching class hour to often break up certain and complete education content and education activity artificially, in order to suit " class " requirement, make sex of education lack whole is mixed successional.

18, does classroom education sum up basic method what?

Answer: Baconian summary type bundle, compare end of type of similarities and differences, exercise to detect end of type end, type of be concerned about, mobile type end, develop extends the end that extend pattern, praise incentive type to end.

19, what is the basic strategy of education of elementary school classroom?

Answer: ? Argon of Xiao Piao Wo does bath ⒑ display Xiao arrogant to pit admonish of Jin of bath ⒅  is fond of ⒄ of center of bath ⒏ triangular bream in all?

20, the commonly used method that summarizes classroom education.

(The teaching method of 1) tuitional type. (Method of teaching of type of 2) problem dug. (3) training and method of practice type teaching. (4) is based on the teaching method of contemporary IT.

21, the action of elementary school classmaster?

Answer: The first, the organizer that classmaster is class job, leader and pedagogue. The 2nd, classmaster is the powerful assistant of the president, dean. The 3rd, classmaster is the coordinator that holds the post of class teacher each. The 4th, classmaster is the communicate person of the school, family, society.

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22, the duty of elementary school classmaster and task.

Answer: (1) undertake to the student moral character is taught. (2) pedagogic unripe effort learns. (3) life of directive student extracurricular, outside school and activity. (4) administrative class is collective, directive Young Pioneers works. (5) the work that coordinates each class teacher.

23, what field does the groovy job of elementary school classmaster include?

Answer: (One) understanding student (2) organization and training class collective (3) establish student record (4) individual education (5) the class is met activity (6) coordinate all sorts of education to affect (7) assess of behaviour of a student (8) classmaster job plan and summary

24, the characteristic of class activity.

Answer: Freewill sex, autonomy, otherness, extensive sex, flexibility

25, summarize the main demand that develops very extracurricular activity to answer:

(1) should have explicit purpose sex and plan sex. .

(The content of 2) activity and constituent form want rich and colorful, be full of appeal. (3) develops the student's enthusiasm, initiative and creation drive adequately.

26, the principle that organizes class activity.

Answer: Principle of principle of principle of principle of principle of 1 purpose sex, 2 specific aim, 3 easy operations, 4 whole sex, 5 innovation sex, 6 diversity principle

27, the form of class activity.

Answer: Activity of team of class of 1 logic type 2, activity of team of communication type class 3, activity of team of literary form class activity of team of class of 4 contests form 5, activity of team of commemorative type class 6, activity of team of practice type class

28, the basic method that elementary school education studies, feature, type.

Basic method: Observation law, investigation law, experiment law, history law, compare a standard, case law

Feature: Sex of sex of inheritance, innovation, systematization, control

Type: By research the purpose is divided (fundamental sex research, applied sex research, omnibus research) the function that presses research is divided (research of sex of expansibility research, evaluation, forecast a gender to consider) the boy or girl friend that presses research is divided (qualitative research, quantitative research) by use method (historical research,

29, the basic method that pedagogic major develops.

Answer: ? Superintend and director of Ψ of  of ü of annulus correct Qiang escapes admire of busy of  Piao  drips ψ Chi  drips Χ swims  of ü of uglying high and steep of correct of annulus of a flat stone on iron rammer with ropes attached at the sides of A of Huan of Lv Mou Gou guides Ao of Shi of Gou Hui of  pilfer slander drips Α ? , view and emulate and the education activity that analyse outstanding teacher 2

30, the method of student of commonly used education's good mood and moral character.

Answer: 1 effective persuasion 2 establish good example 3 use a group to agree 4, value differentiate and analyse

5, the bonus and penalty that becomes to Yu Qia

31, the content of pedagogic profession morality.

Answer: 1 teach lawfully, clean-fingered from religion 2, pay attention to formal, abide by social morality 3, cooperation of esteem parent, solidarity 4, have deep love for a student rigorous pursue one's studies 5, a person of exemplary virtue of set oneself an example to others, humanness

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32, the common law that pupil body and mind develops.

Answer: 1 body and mind develops ordinal sex development of 2 body and mind is lopsided model 3, the complementary sex that 4 body and mind develop the level sex that body and mind develops 5, the individual differences sex that individual body and mind develops

33, the 8 arrangement that impose Nie 5 classification

Answer: Add Nie to divide study 8 kinds: ① signal learns. ② stimulates one reaction study. ③ interlinks study.

④ utterance coupling learns. ⑤ discerns study. ⑥ concept learns. . ⑦ regulation or principle learn. ⑧ resolves problem study. Before 3 kinds are person and animal are shared, hind 5 kinds are human place peculiar.

The study result classification that adds Nie added Nie to put forward result of 5 kinds of study further later, regard as them 5 kinds to learn a type. It is respectively: ① wisdom technical ability. Basically use solve " how to do " . ② acknowledge is politic. Master the core portion of study. ③ verbal information. ④ movement skill. ⑤ manner.

34, morality of Ke Erbai case develops level to talk.

Answer: 1. Before consuetudinary level (phase of castigatory obedience orientaton and phase of opposite utility orientaton) appear in nursery school and elementary school about low middleaged level. 2. Consuetudinary level (seek approbate orientaton phase and abide by phase of orientaton of abide by the law compasses) this appears in above of the grade in elementary school, ' till youth, manhood. : of the 3rd phase? The ⒆ that hold coal high imprints than ∠ Jie authority of? of awl of admire of 5 call on is mixed social order orientaton. Ke Erbai case thinks most youth and adult morality inference attribute this grade level. 3. Hind consuetudinary level (phase of social bond orientaton and phase of general ethics orientaton)

35, study is politic. :

(one) acknowledge is politic (the organization is repeat strategy, careful treatment strategy, politic) repeat is politic (1 use optional knowledge is written down and write down a variety of 2 sense organs to participate in conciously 3, review formal diversification

4, picture line, 5 eliminate to disturb 6 whole knowledge to write down each other write down with section knowledge) careful treatment is politic: 1, mnemonics (the position is memorial law, cut associate with idea of couplet of part of the law that write a song, homophonic, vision,

Semantics associates) 2, make note 3, query 4, unripe by nature learns 5, use cultural background, couplet

The department is real

The organization is politic: 1, row outline 2, use a figure (flow chart, mode or graph of construction of system, model attempt, network closes

The department pursues) 3, use form (schedule, two-way watch)

(2) yuan acknowledge is politic (adjust the plan is politic, surveillant strategy, politic)

(3) resource management is politic (natural resources of time strategy, learning environment strategy, effort government strategy, society uses strategy


36, the content of extracurricular activity, form.

Answer: Content: Activity of 1 science and technology 2, course activity 3, literary art activity 4, sports activity 5, social activity

6, traditional festal activity

Form: (one) activity of of a mass character

(2) person of group activity 10-20

(3) individual activity

37, education designs a principle at 4 o'clock, measure at 7 o'clock, requirement at 5 o'clock, content at 4 o'clock, according to at 6 o'clock, the content of teaching plan 6


Answer: Principle: Systematization principle, program sex principle, feasibility principle, feedback sex principle

Measure: Of 1 education target elaborate 2 education to weigh difficulty to analyse 3, education prepares 4, education period plan

5, education designs a process 6, writing on blackboard is designed 7, education thinks over

Requirement: 1 guide into link 2 problems design 3, the course that the student gets knowledge 4, the exercise designs 5, education is adscript content: The design of 1 education target 2, the design of education content 3, the design of education measure

4, the design that education evaluates

According to: 2 teaching job mixes 1 course function requirement 3, the characteristic of education content 4, the requirement of education principle 5 him teachers education characteristic and style 6, age feature of the student and individual differences

38, Fuller and the phase that Braun teachs division major to develop

The need that Fuller and Bulanggen occupy a teacher and the focal problem that different period place pays close attention to, the teacher live for attention into dah cent, attention circumstances and attention student 3 phase.

39, summarize how to organize effectively review

1, review should seasonable 2, review should reasonable 3, review an activity to want to avoid namely infinite and excessive, should hold to again proper above quota, learn degree to achieve 150% results above quota optimal.

40, the basic content that summarizes elementary school teacher to think over

1, undertake thinking over to education target 2, undertake thinking over to education process 3, undertake thinking over to education characteristic 4, to education process medium insufficient place undertakes thinking over 5, think over a bit to education

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Why do 41 our country undertake the foundation teachs reform?

One, the need that gets used to global development

1, of intellectual economy call 2, the need that the individual admits 3, the mankind lives the need of development

2, the need that our country society admits 1, the need that manpower resource admits continuously 2, the need that domestic politics economy grows

42, the significant study condition that summarizes Ao Subo Er

1.New study data itself has logistic sense. 2. Learner acknowledge structure is planted the proper knowledge base that has absorb new material (fixed dot) , facilitate undertake contacting with new knowledge, have essential starting point namely. 3. Learner still must have the heart that has significant study to, namely the tendency that actively rises correlation of new old knowledge. 4. Learner learns to make this kind has potential significance new knowledge and the old knowledge in knowing a structure to produce interaction active and actively surely;

43, what do the basic method of pupil aesthetic education and strategy have?

The way of 1. aesthetic education is very capacious, the method is agile and diversiform. Aesthetic education is OK undertake in activity of thumbing school education, education, in also can living with the society to nature, undertake. Specific strategy and method are as follows:

(1) passes classroom education and activity of extracurricular culture art to have aesthetic education. The first, undertake aesthetic education; through education of scientific culture ABC the 2nd, have aesthetic education through artistic discipline education and extracurricular and literary activity.

(2) is passed big from. Have aesthetic education like that. (3) has aesthetic education in daily life. The first, use domestic environment to undertake aesthetic education; the 2nd, histology gives birth to the activity that enters beautification school environment: The 3rd, guide a student to reflect the United States in daily life.

44, summarize the basic method that arouses pupil motive.

(1) makes full use of feedback information, appropriate have rewards and punishment: (Circumstances of problem of 2) active activate, arouse and maintain study interest: (3) coachs the student undertakes attributioning actively, heighten pair of successful expectation: (4) develops ego efficiency sense, enhance the student's successful self-confident heart: (5) teacher should produce dominant effect, ;(6) of the person that become those who learn motive to arouse notices individual differences.

45, the characteristic that summarizes operation skill to be different from intelligence skill

(Circumstances of 1) activate problem, implement heuristic education. (2) basis works difficulty, level of proper control motive. (3) makes full use of feedback information, appropriate has rewards and punishment. (4) correct guidance attributions result, make a student continue hard.

46, what does the educational quality that should the teacher have have? ① teachs academic knowledge; ② education carries out ability; ③ applies educational resource to handle the ability of sudden problem; ④ teachs scientific research competence.

47. How to foster study motive.

(1) uses study motive and the interactive impact that study the effect to foster study motive. (2) is used happen directly way and change a way to foster study motive secondhand.

48. The morality that summarizes Ke Erbai case develops level to talk.

The method of story of moral be in a dilemma that Ke Erbai case uses studies the morality of children develops, the 3 levels that raised moral judgement 6 phase are academic. (Level of 1) preexistence common. Level 1, penalty and obedient phase; Level 2, the relativism of tool sex is directional level; (2) lay level. Level 3, good child is directional level; Level 4, the directional phase of law and order; (Level of common of 3) later ages. Level 5, social bond is directional level; Level 6, general ethical principle is directional level.

49, the student view that summarizes foundation of current our country to teach course to reform place to advocate

(1) the person that the student is development (2) the student is distinctive person (3) the student is the person that has absolute sense

50. , summarize the main factor that affects individual development

The factor that affects individual development has 4 as follows:

(1) genetic quality: Genetic quality is the premise of individual development, for individual body and mind development provides physiology basis; The difference of genetic quality has certain effect effect to development of body and mind, but its action cannot exaggerate.

(2) environment: The environment offerred a variety of possibilities for individual development, include good luck, condition and boy or girl friend, the environment has to the influence of individual development mix actively inactive cent.

(3) school education: School education has dominant effect to the person's development. School education has its distinctive function, accelerate individual development, development for example individual and special talent and development individual character get a function.

(4) individual subjective activity: Individual subjective activity is to promote individual development the critical factor that from potential likelihood state gets lost actual condition.

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