Why be closed together in convict of Indian men and women?

Commit a crime in Indian sex so rampant today, send female criminal into male jail, is this the sheep receives wolf check into tiger's mouth-jaws of death, deer! But India dare so do, so capricious, return call it by a good name of: Resource is used integratedly. Already managing land, decrease again endowment, make the best of both worlds, what is there against it!

Indian statement sounds be like high-sounding, it is actually one kind lift helplessly. Because capital is lacked, more important is the discrimination of in one's heart to the female, india just dare is opposite female convict is so audacious. In India, the phenomenon of imparity of male and female is very serious, the female is without a position socially but character, look in India, the woman is discharge desire and the tool that bear nevertheless just. Accordingly, after the female commits a crime, india also is disinclined to build prison of a woman, finish sth their coop male jail simply, hold the post of its emerge of itself and perish of itself.

Why be closed together in convict of Indian men and women?

In the jail, male convict often holds great majority, because of woman place underground, so jail just supplies meal often preferential and contented male convict, when a lot of moment are turn for female convict to eat, already place remnant very few, accordingly, female convict is hidebound, hungry fainting is the work that does not pass usually again.

Jail alarm special also look down on female convict, can send them to do the the heaviest, dirtiest work, be inferior to a bit meaning, beat and scold inscrupulously. Most the penalty that allows female convict to bear hard is: Jail alarm in the Tu Manfeng on their body honey is mixed syrup, let mosquito ant climb full their whole body, slowly bite, this kind of painful it may be said is unripe be inferior to dead, because a lot of female convict are overcome such torment and choose to commit suicide, in an attempt to is unfixed. Not only jail alarm mistreat them, connecting a lot of male convict also is a cut above others, do not see them when the person, annoying is common occurrence, going-over is invective more common. Jail just is look on sb's trouble with indifference to this, laissez-faire.

As to female convict prison house, it is narrow and dirty. This also is jail just does it of purpose, took care of big prison house because of them male convict. Because of the local environment that live abominable not wholesome, female convict can suffer from on various diseases, jail just pays no attention to without giving thought to to this, the order is large can this closes get over, what because this is miserable,the life meets badly is gone.

Why be closed together in convict of Indian men and women?

So, once Indian woman is like inspect, issued 18 hell with respect to seem, not say what reform, be an upright person anew, can living go to calculate a miracle.

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