Beat dead in relief still
Its name cries actually " roll cypress "
It is people actually often say " 9 dead revive from death are careless " , cry again " revive from death is careless " , these are the name that people gives it, why can you have such name? Basically be because of its tenacious vitality.
Its help advance somebody's career the method is: Immerse grass of dry revive from death for some time in clear water hind, when after grass of dry revive from death becomes green, OK transplant, it is OK to basically help advance somebody's career with sandy soil.
Grass of revive from death still has extremely high officinal value
Function advocate treat: Stimulate the menstrual flow of invigorate the circulation of blood. Advocate treat amenorrhoea; Disease a lump in the abdomen; Injuries from falls; Bellyacke; Asthmatic; Haematemesis; N/med having blood in one's stool; Hematuria; Nosebleeding blood. Attention: Pregnant woman is banned take. Zoology environment: Be born at hillside of exposed to the sun or rock to seam inside, in be born at the arid rock of exposed to the sun to seam more.
Still have the effect that fight cancer: Course medicine experiment proves, grass of revive from death has remedial effect to all sorts of cancer.
Still have the effect of hemostatic curb bacterium.
Now in the market a lot of sell revive from death grass, just can feed after all, with respect to unknown.