Authority be good at 3 defeat tactics to hit a law to all alone by doubt Sa is exposed to the sun re

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Guest field 0 than 2 not enemy Heibei an ancient name for China is happy, tianjin counterpoises be good at had encountered inferior of coronal and league matches 3 be defeated repeatedly, more letting Quan Jianqiu confuse those who feel anxiety is, authority be good at attack prevent two end to all had appeared the crisis, although all alone Sa calm expresses, a few rounds achievement and contract have nothing to do finally, oneself want to win a ball only, but the tactics of all alone Sa hits a law to whether fit advantageous position be good at, the Portuguese can finish class in sports season end, become fan to heat up the topic that discuss again.

In authority be good at advocate handsome encounter doubt locally while, all alone Sa does not lack the hunter that comes from Europe it seems that. Occupy Italy " ItaSportPress " report, sa of Paul · all alone is become very likely currently hold the post ofRoman bishop Lian Difu Langxisike's succession person.

" ItaSportPress " : Rome, the shadow of Sa of · all alone envelops Paul to go up personally in Difulangxisike.

Meaning armour battle stops 5 rounds, rome 1 get the better of 2 smooth 2 negative, rank the 14th in 20 team only. According to " ItaSportPress " report, difulangxisike returns those who have opportunity him proof of the match two rounds to teach ability, the outcome that if did not come,Xinuonei mixes Zhen Fuluo of two wheel pair to pull Qi Ao with city adversary is not quite ideal, difulangxisike is fired possibly, and one of person that Paul · alls alone Sa is considered as potential succession now.

All alone Sa and its agent Moyiaoli

" ItaSportPress " say, moyiaoli is in the agent of all alone Sa processing and authority be good at contract, this media still gave out an important information: Moyiaoli appeared in London recently, and the valuable assistant of Roman chairman Paluoda, baerdini also is in Roman general manager London, of Italy " entire market " the website also confirmed this one information.

" entire market " : Rome is in the crisis in, baerdini and agent of all alone Sa meet.

When accepting Italian media to interview this year in Feburary, moyiaoli expresses, all alone Sa is in China at that time well off, but Moyiaoli also is mentioned, all alone Sa still is a very young coach, accumulating international to teach experience, moyiaoli supports open attitude to alling alone Sa returns Europe.

" violet lily news " reported in Feburary 2018: Moyiaoli weighs the person beside all alone Sa, all alone Sa is done well in Foluolunsa, he can return Europe very quickly.

Nevertheless, the message that Moyiaoli and Roman high level meet still keeps agent of all alone Sa in message phase at present, do not have a photograph or video can evidence the accuracy of this one message. According to Italian media coverage, roman optimal holds the post of newly advocate handsome person selected is Kong Di, cloth the orchid family and Mengtela also are in await choose list to go up.

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