Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more

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Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

Now great majority parents is to have this consciousness, the most important although be the child's health but teach to his among the process that grows gradually in the child also cannot fall of course. Very much parents special all the time early, begin to teach him to foster when the child has his consciousness, the hope can become a person that is received by the society after him. And there can be prospect after each parents hope his child is grown.

Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

And to the child the first his teacher is parents actually, have very big effect to child body and mind, if he is among the family,he is brought up the following savvy also can become very good, acceptance education just gives him a consolidate, the most important still is the base that parents gives him. And we also can see now the child is more and more indocile Yo and teach the child that give almost very coddle, because parents loves the child to compare be used to to wear too,be him.

Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

There is elder to be in in the home especially, what business thinks the child is small still, not too too criticize severely, but because these habits of the parent brought about the child,should be when he is grown,very bad valve is taught very hard. After reaching the school, the teacher is not provided almost, this time is very much the parent has begun to headache, the education that must understand the child as the parent begins as a child, I am in small when very indulge the child, can let him only more and more rebel, do not have a person to be able to have taught him. If he had appeared,be in so when the child is small this kind of the following behavior, the parent must not indulge him again, the consequence that causes otherwise is met only more serious.

Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

The first, like pair of parents storytelling, the child that has a lot of is in finish after bad thing special fear parents goes blame he, can choose to use so lying go outsmart parents, if right now parents is,discovered he is lying if also be not criticized severely, you can let him form a habit a kind of consciousness wants to lie only namely can outsmart all people. He is met from get one kind is satisfied in conversation, if one indulgent after can letting the child, still can do so.

Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

For many times can let the child form nature only, fine words had become a very easy issue, a very unfavorable thing is among his growing process, serve as the parent so must not indulge child goes such doing, must he is clear and lying be about to be punished, want to make his nurturance love lying like this lying habit, give me well the child that one becomes to was not taught good after the repentant ability that teachs him to make him complete is unapt.

The 2nd, do not respect them to elder shout, educational child did not pay attention to them too much to just be absorbed in be being bestowed favor on almost now, and a lot of children are to follow an old person to be brought up together, the elder in the home to teaching the child this respect is to do not have too old idea, so that the child no matter err what, they won't be corrected, time grew not to respect this kind of defect of the person with respect to nurturance child.

Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

We should can see the grandfather grandma that a lot of children face him now is not valued, want to do to want what thing to be able to support almost others goes doing and all along not oneself go starting work, to the education of this respect the parent must be strengthened, no matter be what person needs to be respected,make him clear, if he does not respect others,same other people also can is opposite so she. A lot of in the home the old person cannot bear the heart goes teaching the child this issue should be done by parents. Otherwise the following sequential parent may not bear.

Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

The 3rd, with cry be troubled by go solving a problem. This business is very much the parent should have minded did not blame, most child has this problem, the child can be used subconscious the requirement that wanted oneself to make whatever appearance so only namely can get satisfaction. Because,be at ordinary times parents did not pay attention to the education in this respect, holding child nurturance in the arms this kind of habit still has nature. Still having a lot of children is in order to imitate parents, quarrel in parents or the child lets see when this kind of means solves a problem, he arrived certain age most what learn first is to imitate, so that he also learns this kind of way. Before the child so the parent does not use this kind of mood to still this kind of mode resolves an issue as far as possible.

Educational child is not easy, these bad habits do not want again indulgent, meet only more and more serious

Epilogue: ?

This article is (oneself start work formerly) hope everybody can like, give the little place that compile a point attention!

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