Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very g

Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very gaunt, explode she ever ran away from home for many times

However this argument appears too strained in the eye of vermicelli made from bean starch, but as party so said, we can believe only, believe the feeling between Hong Xin and Zhang Danfeng all the time so good, not be so called make beautiful, still remember ever was in some program, zhang Danfeng alleges external the picture that there is him family in his hand housing, it is outer the family that oneself can see at any time when taking sport, this is the motivation that this works.

Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very gaunt, explode she ever ran away from home for many times

But had not fallen in this thing popular when, hong Xin comes in some hospital of Hong Kong with respect to the daughter that is taking his the following day, still be patted by dog young, some saying is to come to a hospital see a doctor to his child, some says Hong Xin however all over the face tired feeling, with her daughter lively about forms bright contrast. See the picture of the recent Hong Xin on the net, really it is so good that her psychosis is done not have, and very gaunt appearance. But as to the reason that is a family or other reason, also only party knew.

Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very gaunt, explode she ever ran away from home for many times

Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very gaunt, explode she ever ran away from home for many times

Hong Kong media ever also expressed external, they also tell star with general same, ten years when be together, after brawl, hong Xin can choose to run away from home, inchoate moment, zhang Danfeng nature is the wife that worries about his very much, also can seek oneself wife in the late night, but after time grew, the pass the time in a leisurely way of wife energy of life that Zhang Danfeng can be in the home to await his only later come back, do not cost effort to search her again, this is the distinction of love and marriage.

Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very gaunt, explode she ever ran away from home for many times

Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very gaunt, explode she ever ran away from home for many times

Big glad small gain cites dispute, harbor intermediary witnesses Hong Xin to enter a hospital very gaunt, explode she ever ran away from home for many times

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