Find even more 150 safe flaw! American Marine Corps catchs leakage contest to receive money quite ab

American department of defense (DoD) in Zhou Si (10/4) the positive result that announced the 6th special case for investigation that catch leakage, what lock of this the case that catch leakage decides is American Marine Corps (Marine Corps) , arrived on August 12 during the contest August 31, add up to found guests of white hat be astonished to exceed 150 effective safe flaw, get the bonus of 150 thousand dollar.

American department of defense is began to launch special case for investigation of the award that catch leakage 2016, the safe expert ability that carries setting investigation only is participated in, 5 foregoing case make public website, army, department of defense to need travel system and system of two air force in the light of the department of defense respectively. The Marine Corps case that includes this inside, american DoD already found on 1000 safe flaw through relevant case.

Find even more 150 safe flaw! American Marine Corps catchs leakage contest to receive money quite abundant

This Marine Corps stresses leakage case is to pass through HackerOne platform to hold, invited even more guest of be astonished of 100 white hats is participated in, the target is the open website of the Marine Corps and service.

Matthew Glavy of commander of headquarters of American Marine Corps expresses, gather Marine Corps and company of guest of white hat be astonished group safe case is achievable a lot of tasks, they are acquired in one case from now on how to improve fight platform, the network group of the Marine Corps showed extremely tall efficiency and discipline, company of be astonished guest group the point of view that brings critically sex and diversification, also let them can reduce the flaw that future may appear as far as possible.

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