Wang Jianlin is in debt 4 one billion two hundred and fifteen million seven hundred and fifty-two th

Compete as the society more and more intense, everybody quickened his pace, all things are advancing at full speed. Bazaar also is such, slight wave motion can arouse 1000 billow, times alternate. Having a word is so say, bazaar is like battlefield, everybody does not know to fall momently you are unripe it is dead. China 5000 the history, times alternate, wealthy businessman also is generation generation joins a club. But in show level, the wealthy businessman of China wanting number is gigantic merchant, nevertheless " 4 days of big king " : Ma Yun, Ma Huateng, Li Jiacheng, Wang Jianlin. Be in nevertheless recently these two years, 10 thousand amounting to group president Wang Jianlin to estimate is to pass not well.

ma Huateng one night loss 9 thousand still remain calm

10 thousand amount to 7.1 days last year to issue announcement, travel below the banner 76 hotels, culture the equity of 91% sold be in harmony to start a group with the price of 63.2 billion yuan of RMB. This price is the price that registers capital merely, can saying is sacrifice. The message is announced, an in an uproar.

We are very big because,one part person is 10 thousand amount to ability to know Wang Jianlin of this individual, so why is he the pillar industry oneself 10 thousand amount to sell go out? Be because lack cash,?

Wang Jianlin oneself also phonated later, admit oneself are indebted 4000 much, this debt uses repay a debt really.

ma Huateng one night loss 9 thousand still remain calm

Somebody plaints, wang Jianlin this is confused ah, see family Ma Huateng.

Before paragraph time, the share price of Tecent company drops ceaselessly, a bit does not have inactive impetus. This stock market drops to be affirmed loss 9000 much, let Ma Huateng from head decline on rich altar, qu Ju the 2nd, ma Yun achieves what one wishes eventually sat a rich position. Do not cross ten thousand changes in the twinkling of an eye, everybody says to had forbidden how long a paid position easy advocate.

Since 9000 much property after melt into bubble, ma Huateng however all the time silent does not make a sound, it is OK to sell posture of the industry below the banner is compared as urgently as Wang Jianlin saying is very calm. Nevertheless this changes the disposition that vacates nurturance of programmer one's previous experience possibly also to concern with the horse, itself is not fond of the adviser when life.

But in the final analysis, 9000 what to calculate really to Tecent more. After all Tecent develops game like a raging fire now, home almost unmanned can enemy, other side also is from indefatigable idle, in communication, pay, music, read wait for each respects strong ground is occupational market. Rely on at QQ8 more than 100000000, the user amount that small letter exceeds 1 billion, made empire of a Tecent. So this 900 billion what be equivalent to? Namely Wang Zherong credit is much give a few cutaneous jobs. So, ma Huateng such calm no wonder also.

ma Huateng one night loss 9 thousand still remain calm

ma Huateng one night loss 9 thousand still remain calm

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