A few years life is brief, life did not leave all one's life, can Chang Le of content with one's lot, arrange its nature, need not be a few things too kink, how happy how to pass, fasten too the eye that cares about others? Not total " etc " this word is hanged in mouth edge, a lot of people and thing are in what lose in await, do not think there will be ample time is good, most there will be ample time was not to change appearance, it is popular feeling cool. Take the advantage of now, had done the thing that can do, cherish the person beside. Do not let wait to become the regret that cannot make up for!
? Proud us, clever we, exalted we, the heart that agrees to pay 7 minutes only goes loving, want additionally 3 minutes to take him love. We are in when needing dissimulate, the outfit that just understands is foolish, clever we never really foolish. Really foolish, hurt really! To oneself seeing in his dissatisfaction? From oneself flimsy in know the other side? Clever we, absolutely must not
? To your nice person, you are double good; To your bad person, leave simply, do not go who hating, time was done not have in an instant, let hate have why, feeling not what does excessive beg, love your person, natural meeting loves all one's life, do not love your person, press his suit why, that meeting is sad overtax one's nerves!
? Time is aching good medicine, also be the bane of the thought. It is met only attenuant one the individual's memory, but cannot let enter cardiac person to forget completely. . . . . . If leave,be a kind of harm, I aux would rather do not leave, although have anguish, but can have happiness. If you are true each other love each other, although you are half-hearted, joyless also, the joy of your heart is 100 times more painful than your anguish.
Love a person, special exhaustion and exhaustion, but love a person really, tired, what relation is this?