Match of a wrestling is undertaking, this is Kunlun definitely annual in more than 1000 matches very a of common, bilateral fist comes the foot goes hassle to one's heart's content, abrupt among them it is genuflect ground, unusually painful that one person is holding abdomen in both hands to bow. That person suffers adversary kicks crotch between flint of original light produced by electricity, then the victim is overwhelmed with sorrow, person of do harm to bows with hands clasped to even continuous cropping, audience or it is one face muddled force, or it is cannot help laughing.
Believe every man has the experience that the content below hip is hit, that anguish and awkwardness are not to have what express with character, actually so seemingly powerful man has the soft crotch of an extremely delicate.
Always project of close body fistfight, "Kick crotch " the one part that is the match, view and admire quality for promotion, fistfight drafted more more comfortable than boxing project regulation, can use a leg to kick genu top, increased greatly " little little brother " the risk that get hurt, should not saying more is by professional fist hand at every turn the kick of genu top foot of 349 jins of force became medium.
To protect quality of game of give attention to two or morethings of boxing hand safety, strike the match provides athletic supporter weapon for every player, still make sentence punish regulation, on requirement field hold cut into parts master divisional and situation, intended and attack by accident, punish severely the person that kick crotch intentionally. The person that ask to kick crotch must make apologetic gesture, the person that let get hurt can be made a bit in indifferent area rest adjust, cure is protected accompany the left and right sides, injury insurance is perforative from beginning to end.
The Kunlun of hill of settle Anhui copper definitely password of · decide the issue of the battle, the He Xuanxiu of league matches of profession of the collect international contest that is global initiate, club, contest that kick a house surpasses assembly at the professional wrestling of an organic whole, it is announce of style travel business the innovation project of 5 an organic whole. Audience of 300 300 thousand spot measures annual, network and defend inspect direct seeding to cover the whole world 400 million person-time, kunlun already became station vertical fistfight definitely the strongest brand, huge system is measured. Frequent match measures adumbrative meeting to happen more KO and by KO, kick crotch and the crotch that be kicked, this is the glamour that fistfight strikes is in also be boxing hand " pain spot " .
Walk up strike arena, we should do the success on field to wear, should be an upright person to win the home unripely more.