The origin of jade: The artistic curiosa of Oriental tradition

Jade is the artistic curiosa of Oriental tradition, get with decorations especially of the woman love. The discovery of jade and take good care of yourself all result from our country.

The origin of jade: The artistic curiosa of Oriental tradition

Our country regards jade as since ancient times the mirror of goodness. Be like, its are hard and indicative wisdom, fruity and indicative chasteness, the flaw is indicative and genuine. The history that our country produces jade, carve jade but date from 5000 old before.

The origin of jade: The artistic curiosa of Oriental tradition

" a high official in ancient China " , " Er is elegant " , " hill sea classics " in waiting for ancient books, have the account of jade more. Huang Diceng gives tribe leader with jade cent, as the mark that enjoys power. Trader week, jade is acted as to offer sacrifices to a god offer content and shield.

The origin of jade: The artistic curiosa of Oriental tradition

" Zhou Li " carry: "Make with jade 6 implement with all directions of ceremony heaven and earth, with day of ceremony of dark green wall, ground of ceremony of yellow a long hollow piece of jade with rectangular sides, qing Guili is Oriental, ceremony of bare a jade tablet is southern, west of white Hu ceremony, xuan Huang ceremony is northward. Wall of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions in order to offer sacrifices to the heavenly bodies, " later past dynasties of a lot of monarches " pass Guo Yuxi " ,

The origin of jade: The artistic curiosa of Oriental tradition

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