The boreal capital of the late Qing Dynasty that Jim of missionary Williams · films: Portrait of fam

The boreal capital of the late Qing Dynasty that Jim of missionary Williams · films: Portrait of family of British garrison, missionary

1, Beijing Xi Chenglun honest is ambassadorial cathedral

The boreal capital of the late Qing Dynasty that Jim of missionary Williams · films: Portrait of family of British garrison, missionary

2, the Temple of Heaven, this is archaic emperor's sacred place

The boreal capital of the late Qing Dynasty that Jim of missionary Williams · films: Portrait of family of British garrison, missionary

3, the home of foreign missionary

The boreal capital of the late Qing Dynasty that Jim of missionary Williams · films: Portrait of family of British garrison, missionary

4, a hospital of late Qing Dynasty

The boreal capital of the late Qing Dynasty that Jim of missionary Williams · films: Portrait of family of British garrison, missionary

5, the group photo before cathedral. Below the influence of foreign missionary, a lot of Chinese join christian

The boreal capital of the late Qing Dynasty that Jim of missionary Williams · films: Portrait of family of British garrison, missionary

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