Truckman strike comes to auspicious big harbor again piece, close 5000TEU container cargo by incur l

Often be denounced gigantic the auspicious big harbor that block up had the strike again recently!

Net of the boat that occupy search learns, the strike that the truckman of Bengal had by a definite date 3 days, close 5000TEU container cargo by incur loss through delay.

It is reported, lorry and van car advocate the strike is to protest the capital amounts to calorie of branch a new traffic liability law. According to new law provision, if the driver causes fatal accident inadvertently on the road, will be sentenced highest 5 years of imprisonment; If the driver causes fatal accident on the road intentionally, the capital punishment that be sentenced.

"The New Law States That A Driver Will Be Sentenced To Up To Five Years In Prison For Killing Any Person On The Road Unintentionally. In Addition, the Law States The Driver Will Be Sentenced To Death For Killing A Person On The Road Intentionally. " according to association of storehouse of Bangladesh inland container (BICDA) data, the rate that during strike day container carries to dock under 50 % .

"According to before everyday about 5000TEU leaves the country container reachs commercial and transportation center, but between strike date, everyday only about 1700 can arrive to 1800 container. " BICDA secretary Ruhul Amin Biplob says.

Truckman strike comes to auspicious big harbor again piece, close 5000TEU container cargo by incur loss through delay

▲ lorry shutdown is in roadside

But this Zhou Er in the evening, lorry car advocate in with governmental official meeting hind cancelled to go on strike. Long Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal of Bangladesh Home Office is mixed to the driver lorry car advocate assure, he will be very fast the demand that discusses them with other concerned head of a department with Bangladesh premier, with solving them be anxious.

Biplob of container storehouse association says, as a result of Tuesday the strike in the evening is cancelled, the container in storehouse of inland now container will be many afflux, container stevedore will take action quickly make up for losing time.

Export goods passes lorry and the truck transport of the sail that take a top to reach the place beyond 19 dock, install next carry in container lading of dock of auspicious big harbor.

Truckman strike comes to auspicious big harbor again piece, close 5000TEU container cargo by incur loss through delay

A large number of ships outside ▲ haven are awaiting

Since the parliament passed bill on September 19, truckman protests new law all the time. Bengal president signed this bill in Zhou Yi, make its driver strike as law.

Because strike action occurs in the 17th area of the partition that amount to card, it is OK to do not have lorry or container accordingly pass in and out. Factory of many 4000 clothing is located in Bangladesh for the most part the branch that amount to card, the lorry cannot reach auspicious big harbor during the strike.

In addition, besides importing container cargo from haven of auspicious big harbor, the carriage of raw material and other consumable also is disturbed, the lorry cannot arrive at the clothing factory that is located in the branch that amount to card and other storehouse.

Have big harbor of auspicious of goods pass in and out or way so the acting person of foreign trade goods of this harbor, need extremely patient, follow case of stock other people in time.

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