This road car violates assist this world stop a police to say to be in charge of however

Illicit home car is optional on the road park is to break the law violate the act of compasses, behoove also must be punished. But! ! Assist this world has so a road, car chaos stops chaos to put, the police says to be in charge of however.

After road of fencing city loose crane merchant at the door a machinery plant of depression community, have a handsome cement way. But advanced a few years, here still is the earthy road of bumpy. The community at that time happens to appeared personally to have spread to this road all right to go to the lavatory wide and road surface of the cement on the shop.

This road car violates assist this world stop a police to say to be in charge of however

The logic did good works, should happy ability is opposite the dweller around. But the Zhang Shi teacher that becomes security personnel in the factory is vexed very however. . . Zhang Shi teach says, on this road on the side besides the dweller around still several enterprises and content shed a company. The occasional when coming off work to afternoon in the evening, the driveway became free parking lot, have car of illicit wife and children not only, still all sorts of van also stop in this, took half road. And their factory should receive shipment everyday, this road is their factory at the door only channel, after the road is occupied, the van of their factory is very difficult pass in and out.

This road car violates assist this world stop a police to say to be in charge of however

Cannot jockey casually on the driveway, stopping chaos to put in disorder should be punished by door of the Ministry of Public Security. Drivers the heart knows abdomen bright, why does that still have a lot of much car chaos to stop chaos to put on this road?

Zhang Shi teach says, some earlier here or year of vegetable plot, the ability after urban extend had this to later, because this this,not be urban mainstay line namely, also not be inside program limits, can be alleyway lane only, so just all the time " conceal one's identity " to now.

That resembles so anonymous the canal that does not have a surname, can you jockey? Why will nobody be in charge of?

Policeman explanation says, to the punishment of car of violate the rules and regulations, must want to have premise, the main content of the place of the time that is violate the rules and regulations then, violate the rules and regulations and violate the rules and regulations, be short of one cannot. And the road that does not have a name, do not leave to give punishment to decide.

How does ability stop the car that puts in disorder to have orderly government to chaos then?

Policeman proposal, the enterprise that Zhang Shi teach is in is OK offer application to the civil administration department that the driveway christens advantageous position, once the driveway had a name, policeman branch is met according to situation of this road transportation, setting no parking marks this kind, the violate the rules and regulations that just can go up to this road then jockeys undertake condemnatory.

At present, place of Zhang Shi teach been consideringing to file grade name in the enterprise.

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