100 strong county pop chart of Chinese already were released 2018, this a list of names posted up is odd by in small town economy is development committee, medium the orgnaization such as academy of strategy of small town development is judged piece, already released 14 years continuously, have quite tall authority and referenced value. Town of Chinese what county comprehensive strength is the strongest, what is before seeing a rank 10 county town?
1, city of elder brother hill
City of elder brother hill is located in Jiangsu to visit southeast department, it is city of class of county of the administer below Suzhou city, elder brother country is in between Shanghai and Suzhou, north reachs northeast and Changshu, too storehouse two city are linked together, east with Shanghai fine calm, Qing Pu two areas have a common boundary, on the west with border on of area of garden of industry of area of Suzhou photograph the city zone, Wu Zhong, Suzhou, guard of bank of week of ancient town of southern a region of rivers and lakes and Wu Jiang area border, understand Zhejiang. Gross area 927.7 square kilometer, among them water area area is occupied 23.1% . The administer below city of elder brother hill area of garden of 3 states level (hill of development of technology of economy of elder brother hill, elder brother is integrated hill of free tax zone, elder brother is new and high technical estate development) , area of 2 provincial garden (Jiangsu saves beautiful bridge economy developing zone, Jiangsu saves elder brother hill travel goes vacationing area) with, often live population is 1646318 people.
Elder brother hill is in delta of the Yangtse River too lake Campagna, churchyard a network of waterways is densely covered, relief evenness, show slightly northeast from southwest tilt, natural gradient is lesser. Ground tall Cheng is more between 2.8~3.7 rice (datum plane: Wu Song at 0 o'clock) , partial upland amounts to 5~6 rice, it is 3.4 meters on average. North is area of low-lying country fairdyke, mid for area of half tall cropland, the south is be close to area of lake tall cropland.
Elder brother hill is Jiangsu saves 3 pilot provinces to run a county continuously (city) one of, but administrative division into districts belongs to Suzhou. First what elder brother hill is judged to be 100 strong counties of countrywide for years continuously. Elder brother hill already had 2200 old histories up to now from county of a surname of acting buy of the Qin Dynasty. Elder brother hill is 100 play of " ancestor the birthplace of " Kunqu opera. Culture of elder brother hill belongs to Wu Yue culture.
2, city of Jiangsu river shade
The Yangtse River of pillow of north of river shade city, south close too lake, harbor of Changshu, Home Zhang is received east, changzhou is connected on the west, be located in Su Xichang " golden triangle " geometrical center, traffic is convenient, the natural fine harbor of the hub of principal liaison man that all through the ages is great river north and south and transhipment of through cargo of Jianghai through traffic, Jiang He. Gross area of river shade city 986.97 square kilometre, land the earth's surface accumulates 811.7 square kilometre, water area area 175.8 square kilometre, among them surface of the Yangtse River 56.7 square kilometre. Water front of edge river deep water is as long as 35 kilometre. Area of urban building area 55.1 square kilometre.
Economy of Jiangyin civilian battalion developeds, manufacturing industry is strong, the navigate that is town economy person, be known as " Chinese capital the first county " , 36 appear on the market company. 2014, jiang Yin has 11 enterprises to become " Chinese enterprise 500 strong " . Obtain city of first national organisms' habits, China early or late city of glamour of optimal economy vigor, China is comprehensive and comparatively well-off 10 large demonstrative counties (city) , the 150 multinomial national honor such as award of environment of U.N. person house, in countrywide town economy basic competition ability is ranked in continue to hold a title 12 years continuously head of a list of names posted up.
3, city of harbor of Jiangsu Zhang Jia
Home Zhang harbor is located in the Yangtse River downstream south bank, it is Suzhou city place administer prefectural class city. Southeast and Changshu are linked together, south with adjacent of the Suzhou, photograph that do not have stannum, on the west with river shade border on, boreal bank the Yangtse River, with if Gao, Jing Jiang lies between river photograph,look. Home Zhang harbor is coastal with the Yangtse River belt of development of two old economy is handed in collect the city of burgeoning haven industry of place. Home Zhang harbor is one of prefectural class city with Chinese the strongest comprehensive strength, rank 100 strong county front row of countrywide for years continuously, exhibit in economy, culture, finance, trade, meeting, the territory success such as service line of business and social construction is remarkable.
Market of Home Zhang harbor accumulates 999 square kilometer, among them land region area 777 square kilometer, have development of 2 states level, administer is pressed down 8 times and an area of a contemporary agriculture demonstrative garden, travel goes vacationing area.
4, Jiangsu Changshu city
Changshu is located in Changjiang Delta a region of rivers and lakes, the beauty that element has " of ground of blessing of " Changjiang Delta praise, it is Wu Wen changes one of birthplace, it is garden city of city of first-class travel of famous city of national history culture, China, international. Changshu city in all town of administer nine administration, two street do, area 1264 square kilometre, often live population) one million five hundred and nine thousand seven hundred.
Changshu is our country economy one of city of class of the strongest county, be located in economy of Chinese county region, culture, finance, trade, meeting to exhibit the front row with shipping center. Strong county of economy of Chinese " region develops as a whole form a delegation " member. GDP of average per capita broke through 20 thousand dollar 2010. Changshu still is one of city of Chinese nation organisms' habits, progress of zoology construction career is good. Changshu scenery is beautiful, area of travel of Shan Shanghu of anxiety of · of sanded home creek is 5A travel area.
5, Hunan Changsha county
Changsha county be subordinate to belongs to Hunan Province the Changsha City, be located in Hunan Province the eastpart part to slant north, hunan river is downstream east bank, outskirts of the Changsha City of Hunan provincial capital, entire county gross area 1756 square kilometre, population 786 thousand person. Changsha county is belonged to in semi-tropical northerly semi-tropical interim mainland sex monsoon is wet climate, the four seasons is trenchant, chill period is short, burning hot period long.
Changsha county is in pool of long individual plant " two model society " the core region of division of test of reform of integrated form a complete set, it is a the Changsha City 2020 overall planning of city of 310 square kilometer " one advocate two " one of second centers mix two medium cities system of traffic of the Changsha City plans " one advocate two pairs " one of two business deputy centers, it is one of areas of model of 18 reforming and opening of countrywide. Changsha chrysanthemum put together protects area, Changsha to face development of technology of sanded economy of monitor of area of core of empty economy demonstrative area, state to be located hereat, obtaining batch of Changsha that establish to face empty economy demonstrative area 2017 is the whole nation level of the 7th state faces empty economy demonstrative area.
6, city of Zhejiang kind brook
Ci Xi is located in the East China Sea bank, hangzhou bay south bank. Ning Bo leaves east 60 kilometers, 148 kilometers of northing Shanghai, hangzhou comes on the west 138 kilometers, it is Shanghai of area of bay of Hangzhou of annulus of the ala austral delta of the Yangtse River, Hangzhou, another name for Ningbo center of three-cornered of gold of 3 metropolitan economy.
Ci Xi has long celadon culture, so-called " the road of maritime pottery and porcelain " birthplace, "Na Qing north is white " establish pattern of Chinese pottery and porcelain. Ci Xi also is called " of home appliance " , call China base of production of 3 everybody electricity with Qingdao, suitable heart.
Ci Xi is the industrial and commercial famous city with the main ala austral circle of economy of big Shanghai of long triangle area, the coastal economy that also is approval of the State Council opens an area. The have transport service that Hangzhou bay stepped Hai Daqiao 2008 is to pull more close the distance with Shanghai, become city of node of gold of the ala austral long triangle very quickly.
City of Zhejiang province gardens, civilized town, China has capacity of innovation of happy feeling city, China most informatization of economy of region of county of the strongest prefectural class city, China is pilot county (city) , China has investment value most small town, Forbes chinese mainland is optimal prefectural class city, forbes one of city of 10 class of large the richest county.
7, Jiangsu too storehouse city
Too city is located in the storehouse south bank of mouth of ministry of Jiangsu province southeast, the Yangtse River. It is distance Shanghai's closest city. Too the urban district lies between the storehouse new clear river and Shanghai fine the photograph that decide an area looks. Too storehouse city northeast is close to the Yangtse River, with Chong Ming the island lies between Jiang Xiangwang, area of Shanghai treasure mountain is faced southeast, fine calm area, southwest connects city of elder brother hill, northwest receives Changshu city. Land region gross area makes an appointment with 620 square kilometre. Whole 2012 town often lives population reachs 947 thousand person. Among them census register population 500 thousand. Too Cang Suyou " an abundant place " good name, wadi freely, land is fecund, agriculture takes dominant place, industrial development is rapid in last few years, a lot of farm are used to build Lu Hexiu to build factory building, economic development is rapid.
8, Fujian advance river
Advance river city leaves town of administer county class for Chinese Fujian Province, govern on somebody's behalf by city of level of fontal city land. It is core of three-cornered of the gold austral Fujian, with Taiwan of one water lie between, element has " fontal Na Foguo " , " littoral Zou Lu " beautiful praise. Jin Jiang is located in southeast the Fujian Province coastal, ministry of southeast of fontal state city, jin Jiang is downstream south bank, 3 be faced with the sea. Northeast connects fontal city bay, border on of city of lion of stone of Dong Yuquan city, southeast is close to taiwan strait, sea facies is lain between to look with Jinmen Islands south, on the west with south the have a common boundary that bring city, north and adjacent of photograph of carp the city zone. Whole town administer 6 13 street, towns.
Because of special situation, on the history, jin Jiang holds significant position in economy, military affairs, culture, it is ancient time " maritime the Silk Road " one of main starting point. Qing Dynasty is acting, advance Jiang Yuna is installed, Hui An, combine administrative division weighing a spring 3 city. Churchyard has An Pingqiao, careless hut, Long Shan park of the historic site such as location of kiln of cooking stove of temple, porcelain and geology of country of deep Shanghai bay. Jin Jiang is the prefectural town with Fujian Province the strongest comprehensive strength, also be Chinese economy most develop one of prefectural town, its are integrated competition ability ranked 100 strong counties of countrywide 2012 (city) the 5th, city of class of county of whole nation of row of integrated innovation ability the 6th, economic actual strength ranks first of class of 8 Fujian county 17 years continuously. Save evaluation of communal and civilized index to rank prefectural class city completely the first. Economy of triangle of the gold austral collect Fujian opens brethren of countryside of famous live abroad of area, whole nation, Taiwan ground of main ancestral home at an organic whole.
9, Jiangsu appropriate starts city
Appropriate promotes city to be located in Jiangsu to visit center of Ning Hang triangle of southwest end, Shanghai, the east too lake surface and Suzhou too lake surface is linked together, southeast faces Zhejiang governor to promote a county, southwest bound the Anhui province is wide heart county, in relief city of Changzhou city Li is received on the west, northwest abuts city of altar of Changzhou city gold, north and Changzhou city fierce draw near into area photograph. lake enchases appropriate Xing Hewu to enter between, 3 (east , round , on the west ) thing of city of appropriate of photograph companion urban district two side. Tall north is low south relief, southwest ministry is low hill hill, whole town highest peak is yellow cat head, altitude 611.5 meters; The eastpart part is too lake area showing disrespect or contempt, grow all sorts of vegetable aptly; North and the part is not Campagna area and area of low-lying country fairdyke on the west, it is the main place of production that appropriate begins grain oily crop. Whole town gross area 1996.6 square kilometre, the city is changed rate 64.75% .
Appropriate promotes an area resourceful, can develop use land more. Precipitation plentiful, fluvial lake swings densely covered, water is resourceful, water area area 532.6 square kilometre. Natural lake swings 30 (do not contain too lake) . Already ascertain mine is planted have lime cliff, Dali cliff, quartz sandstone, coal, turfy wait for 27 kinds. The argil with Sichuan particular hill is the good raw material that makes violet arenaceous appliance. Have the commercial forest that the breed such as bamboo, pine, cedar gives priority to, it is the area with the most substantial natural resources of Jiangsu province Zhu Lin. Tea tree grows an area seventy-four thousand nine hundred mus, tea total output 6331 tons, the tea that is Jiangsu province basically produces a division.
10, Liaoning sea city
Sea city is located in distant east peninsula hinterland, in Shenyang economy area, north relies on steel saddle hill and provincial capital Shenyang, mouth of battalion of city of Na Lin haven, Dalian, the city Benxi that coal iron receives east and border town red east, with oil field new city Pan Jin lies between river photograph to look on the west. Area 2732 square kilometer, population 1.3 million person. Area issueing administer 20 2 5 precinct, developing zones, towns, it is the prefectural class city with Liaoning bigger province, it is one of base of production of countrywide commissariat, fruit, stock raising, tussah, town enterprise, element has " Bohai Sea of abstruse area " praise.