The person is being done, the day is looking! Ping Wentao was caught

"Owe the Ping Wentao that Hangzhou apologizes " was caught, answering that adage: The person is being done, the day is looking.

The person is being done, the day is looking! Ping Wentao was caught

The picture is offerred by citizen money gentleman

"11 " the first day of long holiday, the dauby graffito on tablet of west lake curb makes everybody indignant up to now. The area of holy pond scene that protects crossing in boreal hill street stands by lakefront, have a stone tablet, on monument quarter have " Hangzhou west lake " 4 rubric. It calculates the net that going up is west lake edge is redly monument, a lot of tourists will to Hangzhou want to mix its group photo.

On October 1 in the morning, area of west lake scene discovers when staff member go on a tour of inspection, the top left corner of monument, much a few gules words. Font askew, can seeing roughly is " Ping Wentao " , " without arenaceous buddhist " 7 words. Administrator is in take a picture after gathering good evidence, immediateness undertook cleaning.

Once this message reports hind, caused intense echo. Everybody says in succession, "Ping Wentao, you owe Hangzhou an apology! You owe Hangzhou an apology!!

Be in yesterday, we get an information from lakeside government office, of this dauby graffito " Ping Wentao " had been found and be controlled.

The person is being done, the day is looking! Ping Wentao was caught

Unexpectedly somebody writes on monument

After the thing October 1 happens, lakeside government office contacted police station of area under administration to have relevant investigation immediately, increased frequency of go on a tour of inspection. The staff member that lakeside management sentences tells money newspaper reporter, police station of area under administration undertook investigating through a variety of investigation methods, basic on October 2 lock decided suspect limits, the trace of relevant suspect is being searched all the time later. "When go on a tour of inspection special also uncivilized to this kind behavior tries advertent. " the staff member that lakeside management sentences expresses. What expect is less than is, yesterday morning, this " Ping Wentao " wrote on the monument in doorway of money king ancestral temple again actually.

"Did not arrive at 9 o'clock this morning, we patrol near money king ancestral temple, the nurse with an experienced morning runnings to tell us, somebody is dauby on monument graffito! " lakeside government office is censorial the deputy element of 2 element grows Wang Lou to say, they run over to discover immediately, be in this by Tu Hua's monument the king of gate mouth money of money king ancestral temple is statuary by. The person of the picture is captured on the spot. "We controlled the person that is taking earmark pen to draw a word on monument, informed area under administration of police station. Informed area under administration of police station..

So " owe Hangzhou to apologize " is him

Police station of billow of willow of area under administration receives message hind to dispatch quickly, controlled 9:10, carry the suspect police station.

Classics police affirms, this wears T-shirt of green short sleeve, the man of medium build is before of dauby graffito " Ping Wentao " .

Money signs up for a reporter to understand from police subsequently, suspect Ping Mou some, 36 years old, person of Heibei Han Dan, up to distribute news dispatches, the case still is in further investigation, they will be handled according to clue gravity.

Near money king ancestral temple the handwriting on monument, lakeside management is in a staff member to had cleared clean. "Special acknowledgment is early exercise that enthusiastic aunt, without her seasonable discovery and report, ' owe the Ping Wentao that Hangzhou apologizes ' the likelihood was not discovered so quickly and control. In the meantime, we also hope to pass money river evening paper to appeal again, hope civilization visits everybody, guard the beauty of the west lake jointly. " the staff member says.

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