20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of X

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

The line on the line falls to carry battalion is a kind of popular sale mode at the same time nowadays, this gives many trader really door brought a profit, the bridge lady believe what one hears that does dried food business after the introduction of an Internet company, also want to trying to throw this kind to run mode, never consider an issue however not only make progress not smoothly, the one part money that oneself invest still hit water to float, how be to return a responsibility after all?

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

The matter still must speak of from September, bridge lady receives a strange telephone call at that time, the other side says, oneself are limited company of service of news of Internet of Nanning eaves raise, they can help bridge lady make platform of a network sell her goods, at the beginning bridge lady was not paid attention to, but the other side insists a few days to call to bridge lady continuously, via living the hard bubble of use soft tactics of the other side, a when bridge lady attended company of the other side to hold " informal discussion " .

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

Bridge lady (alias) express, went at that time what the spot imagines with her is completely different, those staff members, do not allow them to open a mobile phone, do not allow to take a picture, next staff member above make a speech, after the speech is over, began to sign a contract partly at 4 o'clock probably, when she wants to see a contract, do not have consideration of there's still time at all.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

such, bridge lady signed a contract, and to pay of the other side 21800 yuan, bridge lady says, the other side is affirmatory at that time, the network platform that belongs to business him door can be made in left and right sides of a month, goods is sold on the network for them, if later oneself do not want to use, still can undertake relet.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

However, after returning the home to had seen a contract carefully when bridge lady, generated doubt. Bridge lady (alias) say, she discovered " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror " , because server data is,decide by their company, not be they said to calculate, means says, she does not know how many cost can produce inside moment.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

After misgive arises, bridge lady gets online again the information that searched this company, this lets her more regretted to sign this contract. Bridge lady (alias) say, she discovers Guilin, expensive harbor, Liuzhou somebody is cosignatory, say to want to get back oneself rights and interests to this company, because somebody is done not have more than 40 days,take sale platform.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

Subsequently, bridge lady offers cancel a contract and find the other side to undertake negotiation. Bridge lady (alias) say, end an agreement she is willing according to the scale of 30% , compensate pays his penalty due to breach of contract, but the other side expresses however, the company had produced a loss, can compensate pays 50% . Bridge lady does not agree.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

To understand a situation further, the reporter found information of Internet of raise of this Nanning eaves to serve limited company.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

Before a staff member is right the view of bridge lady, gave deny, this staff member expresses, bridge lady buys their product, in 35 weekday, finished to be able to give her the product, the company still can have a network letter.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

However, when the sale platform finished product that puts forward to examine them to had been done when the reporter, sufferred the rejection of the other side however.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

So, if want to follow this company end an agreement after signing a contract, is relevant charge how of settle accounts? This staff member expresses, end an agreement is to belong to the thing above the contract, be legal dispute, he is not clear about this one content. So, resemble this kind of situation that bridge lady encounters, she whether him recapture Where is charge? The reporter consulted a lawyer subsequently.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

Lawyer introduction, "Clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror " it is the one party that points to the contract that make, use oneself dominant position, avoid oneself responsibility of purpose, accentuated the responsibility of the other side, the circumstance with right not quits obligation. Appear such circumstance, everybody must take legal weapon bravely. According to case in, the service that bridge lady pays expends 21800 yuan, signed the end an agreement on contract horse that day, deducted the word of money of 50% contracts amount even, if say the loss with actual Party B, do not have so tall word far, party A is to be able to go the penalty due to breach of contract that the court asks to reduce her.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

Remind, citizen friend is being done trade before signing a contract, must have understood this to trade to whether be worth to do first, if come up against the case that extends a product with can selling a form, when after listening to the introduction, oneself want to buy this product, after should having careful and detailed knowledge to this company product and aptitude, consider to whether sign a contract again.

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "

" gold helps young woman " broadcast time

Head sow: News is integrated channel 20: 40

Morrow: Urbanism channel 6:40 16:23

News is integrated channel 16:23

Difficulty seeks side young woman! (next adding appeal means)

1. pays close attention to " gold helps young woman " public date → is nodded " I want a newspaper to expect " → fills in information (remember taking telephone number oh) → awaits reporter and you to contact

2. dials hotline 0771-2033336

3. sends email to Nntvjpbnl@163.com

20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of Xiang Yu the Conqueror "
未经允许不得转载:News » 20 thousand yuan are bought " the network sells terrace " discover however deep-set " clause of X