Changsha plastics orgnaization " adulterate " inside: Action model pats false plastics to illumina

Changsha plastics orgnaization " adulterate " inside: Action model pats false plastics to illuminate, character is played after loan plastics but sum allowance

Li Jing of 24 years old (alias) it is a model, she is reached by person recruit and outpatient department of hairdressing of beautiful medical treatment (next weighing " and " of beautiful medical treatment) part-time job, "Cooperate cure to protect personnel to pat " of plastic case photograph. Actually, li Jing did not do plastic surgery. Say to this response with beautiful medical treatment, "Just use field to take a picture to the friend, this one behavior and hospital have nothing to do. This one behavior and hospital have nothing to do..

Li Jing still explodes makings say, case model plastics has two kinds to cover a region: Enrol professional model to take false plastics picture; Hitting banner of court case model to pull girl loan plastics.

The reporter is dark recently visit investigation discovery, outpatient department of hairdressing of hertz beautiful medical treatment (next weighing that " conspicuous is beautiful medical treatment " ) existence covers a region the first kind, its recruit model asks " a copy kept as a record is particularly good, look Jing colourful " ; Rain of limited company of hairdressing of He Li medical treatment spends outpatient department (next weighing " of medical treatment of " He Li) model of case of much court has plastic, allege external " shares plastic, sum is filled up endowment " , should borrow money actually in installment first and the plastic item that 3 people play to make equivalence amount inside two years, otherwise the hospital won't be acting still, " of alleged " free plastics is suspected of covering loan.

Changsha plastics orgnaization " adulterate " inside: Action model pats false plastics to illuminate, character is played after loan plastics but sum allowanceChangsha plastics orgnaization " adulterate " inside: Action model pats false plastics to illuminate, character is played after loan plastics but sum allowanceChangsha plastics orgnaization " adulterate " inside: Action model pats false plastics to illuminate, character is played after loan plastics but sum allowance

The medical establishment of 3 plastics hairdressing of △ experience thing.

[feigned case exemple is illuminated]

Explode makings

Do not do plastic surgery, rely on to make up United States colour takes false picture

On October 11, li Jing points to admit say, "Thank a gentleman to be in through bagman with " of beautiful medical treatment model group release information of case model part-time job, let her pretend to make nose integrated plastics. Since September 3, li Jing matchs in harmony to photograph hundreds pieces of photograph, thank a gentleman however with the photograph unqualified for, did not pay an agreement 500 yuan of good salary tardy. And the model that encounters this one situation, be not her one person.

"' before art ' element colour wears disease to take take a picture in the place such as ward, surgery; ' in art ' complexing iodine is brushed on the face, gauze of the wrap up on nose, make up get a few bloodstain results; ' after art ' use machine of beautiful Yan Xiang to pat. "Li Jing is recollected, film time lasts more than minutes 40, "Whole journey is inside outpatient department, protect personnel to film by cure photograph video, the label that sticks on the face and hand are lifted there all is the model of written characters with the United States in the brand. "And after coming home from the courtyard, she narrows through camera of United States colour again nose ala, a note in reply of extensive of the " after the skill of hundreds pieces of " that will take oneself sends through mailbox thank a gentleman.

15 days, the reporter accompanies Li Jing to come to lotus area " and " of beautiful medical treatment with friend identity. Information of unit of sanitation of medical treatment of this outpatient department is public in showing a shop sign, the time that send card is on August 15. Controller of one Liu surname appears personally when the explanation, li Jing points out at once, "Recieved that day those who take a picture is him. "This chief says repeatedly, "This one behavior and hospital have nothing to do " , thanking a gentleman is company of model of tripartite case, the hospital uses space to the friend purely, "Because of strong start business before long, model will take a picture as it happens also adds person energy of life. Model will take a picture as it happens also adds person energy of life..

Both sides talks things over not if really, respective choice calls the police. Much at 5 o'clock 15 days afternoon, leek garden police station two policemans are present processing, requirement outpatient department and bagman close manage explanation this matter. Thank a gentleman to communicate through video the response says, use field to pat case to illuminate, patted two batches in all, the first batch of salary writtened guarantee, the 2nd batch includes Li Jing inside two people " because the photograph is unqualified and reject to communicate " to did not pay tardy.

To two people afore-mentioned answer, li Jing feels that he cannot understand: "Just use space, why to use the label with the United States and brand? "Thank gentleman reply to say, "P of convenient later period pursues, increase authenticity, for change and beautiful group of Guangzhou some cure sells to use after the character such as the United States. "Li Jing oppugns cure to protect personnel to participate in at the same time take a picture be related, liu surname controller is denied participate in or cooperate cheat, "Stick label to cite a shop sign I not know the inside story, taking a picture is employee individual behavior. "He before policeman face acceptance, the meeting is urgent thank a gentleman to handle good this matter.


Pluralistic model quota of people is restricted time limit quantity, change two months a batch

Explode with respect to Li Jing the circumstance of makings, the reporter seeks advice from Changsha manager of business of some plastics hospital learns, because a lot of clients pay attention to privacy, do not wish plastic is illuminated be transmitted, demand of exemple of plastic orgnaization counterproposal is big, a few orgnaization can pass practise fraud of court case model to come misdirect consumer.

On October 11, the reporter investigates discovery, small letter name alleges for the person of " packet total " enrolling model of a batch of case, affirming via chatting is photograph of exemple of the feigned case that take theory, the agreement is in beauty of conspicuous of Yue Lu area " at 16 days after interview of medical treatment " . The reporter passes " of medical treatment of Changsha of " of date of small letter public to inquire discovery, hertz beautiful medical treatment took medical establishment on March 15 hold licence of course of study.

16 days afternoon, reporter and Li Jing come to hertz beautiful medical treatment with pluralistic staff capacity, "Packet always says when " and interview of a partner, some clients do not want to let others know plastic passes, do not wish to publish a photograph, a lot of successful case cannot be publicized external, this ability needs case model, "If hospital face examine is approbated, must not do plastic surgery really, but must want convincing. But must want convincing..

"Packet total " says, the hospital can pat plastic case conduct propaganda to illuminate in the light of the project of need, pluralistic quota of people is restricted time limit quantity, two months left and right sides changes a batch, court case model has two kinds of forms: It is to wanting to become an end the client gives out preferential price, but what its rectify position condition to want very poor, do contrast contrast to be met so apparent; 2 it is the model with itself particularly good condition, look Jing to admire, the photograph before art does not make up, take a picture by special cameraman, the P after art is gotten very delicate, make the meeting after the client sees enchanted. If search model oneself condition is poor, the mark that P passes is seen easily.

Subsequently, "Packet total " the reporter two people belt takes the office, scrutiny of young of face examine division shows after Li Jing facial features too, eye condition is pretty good still, but case of this one place illuminates quota of people full. "Signal of packet total " has quota of people to inform a reporter of the part-time job again next time.

Business manager introduction is narrated before, case model is beater actually, beautiful orgnaization of regular medical service can choose great majority the girl with good condition, via after examine is checked before art, be being done with special offer means, through all sorts of channel conduct propaganda is used after art, "Beater effect is very powerful, it is good to rely on comparative effect will attract a client. "His analysis thinks, the outpatient department settle or live in a strange place with a few little scope group the amount is small, counterproposal exemple demand is bigger, do not eliminate to be able to spend money to ask model to film false case photograph, "Once did not match horizontal doctor to hold a knife, those who rectify the effect that give to follow a client is aesthetic anticipate not agree with, produce the issue after art easily. "Nevertheless, a senior personage represents Changsha cure beautiful industry, a few medical establishment can hit edge ball, use pluralistic model or tripartite company releases false case photograph to come with individual name on each platform avoid risk.

[free plastics]


Plastics of 3 people equivalence is pulled inside two years, hospital allowance charge

Reporter investigation discovers at the same time, "Information of model of case of invite applications for a job of " of He Li medical treatment is in each are big gregarious group release, allege wait for plastic project integratedly to be done personally by the dean nasally, the hospital is direct allowance charge, case model does not need to spend one cent money, finish share a friend to transmit public praise can. 11 days, the reporter adds beautiful adviser of cure of a He Li to be a good friend, its friend circle alleges: "Share plastic, sum allowance " . Learn via chatting after, as long as year full 18 years old, carry this person Id to take Zhang Yinhang to get stuck can before go seeking advice deal with.

14 days, the " of medical treatment of " He Li that the reporter is located in rain to spend an area with client identity, bridge surnames cure is beautiful advisory introducing to say, the company is beautiful orgnaization of countrywide chain cure, "Share plastic " mode to be achieved by company total radicals by which characters are arranged in traditional Chinese dictionaries, popularized in Changsha in May this year, the plan takes out capital of 5 million advertisement to pass on a client, "Quota of people still does not have saturation, a long time of later period number can choose model. A long time of later period number can choose model..

Reporter signal wants to rectify nose, face examine division is recommended make the item of thirty-nine thousand eight hundred. Bridge adviser says, reporter of early days need searchs to cooperate with outpatient department in installment platform borrows money, the success inside two years shares 3 friends to make plastic item after art, the reporter's loan criterion by allowance of outpatient department sum. Share still have a demand: Every friend consumes amount to want the equivalence with the reporter, if amount of one person spending reachs 3 people total,unmanned number asks.

"There is free lunch on the world, be willing to give you free plastics chance, it is to let you help us make vivid shop sign. "Bridge adviser says, the friend that share but also can enter free activity at one's own expenses. To persuade a reporter loan enters an activity, she is in all the time revulsive say: "Who doesn't have general girl before sweet " of a few boudoir, " shares very simple " , " inside two years the client shares the " that finish inside a month...

Is so much person free plastic won't lose money in business? Liang Gu asks answer to say, "Not be everybody can play an activity, otherwise the hospital closed down. After a lot of customer comes over to seek advice, did at one's own expenses operation. We are willing this (free plastics) quota of people gives you. "Reporter signal examines plastic contract, bridge adviser says to belong to company secret, probably content is: "You come over to enter an activity, want to share a friend to come over only, plastic charge is assumed by the hospital. Plastic charge is assumed by the hospital..


Defect of cure beautiful company is cheated borrow disturbance, experience record amount 22.52 million yuan

On September 25, consumer is in red net " consumptive thought fors the time being " the column sends Tie Ju newspaper to say, lest " of limited company of hairdressing of medical treatment of Changsha Jian Ran expends the name that makes hairdressing item, the loan of means diddle victim that takes a client to take a client runs for company financing. "According to Hunan some media reported on October 6, the citizen points to the cover that says beauty of brief Ran cure is hitting an activity to publicize, actually is covered in great quantities take loan, "Come to an agreement or understanding signs a contract but free plastics, became let him consumer still be borrowed. "Explode the person that expect says, according to statistic, the victim reached 552 people, experience record amount 22.52 million yuan, among them 7 become an undergraduate.

The report says, this incident involves 3 hospitals in all, it is beauty of the cure austral culture of beauty of brief Ran cure, Jia Zeren and Changsha rich respectively. Beautiful after the event of brief Ran cure releases announcement to say: Because company finance affairs is in charge of individual problem, be in debt partial capital (about 13 million yuan) , capital of insolvent the rest of beauty of brief Ran cure. Current, this company is being communicated actively with the client, try to make feasible plan, police of the foot of mountain of Changsha high mountain has gotten involved investigation.

"Head office popularized last year share plastic activity very good, a lot of orgnaization follow the lead of, of beauty of brief Ran cure ' plastic mode ' resemble with ours, but actually different. He Li medical treatment is countrywide chain, public praise and dimensions are here, and beauty of brief Ran cure is small-sized outpatient department, ability can have an accident. If our mode has a problem, go up early news. "Narrate before refer cheat borrow disturbance, liang Gu asks such answer says.

Last year on November 10, " Chengdu business signs up for " print sends a problem to be " pass the plastics that sell type to rectify you into " hairdressing to borrow " trap " investigation manuscript. Reporter contrast notices, the mode helping a person that He Li iatrical shares outpatient department of the exposure in plastic mode and article very much the same: This kind takes the sale pattern of poll with poll, by experience thing outpatient department praise for " initiate " , also be of the same age was started in May, a female undergraduate is pulled by the roommate enter free plastics activity, the accused knows to recommend 5 equivalence to consume a client, can have deduct a percentage from a sum of money to consuming amount entirely. The contract rises one year inside effective, half-baked bear cost by the client.

This female undergraduate owes nearly 30 thousand yuan of nets to borrow, the report says to have 500 people be involved in at least among them, their since introducer, it is by introducer. Many economist expresses, mode of this kind of sale already was suspected of passing annul, put in the suspicion that manages illegally, bring hidden trouble to the society at the same time.

Lawyer viewpoint

Pull poll plastics to whether be suspected of passing annul still remain to check

" advertisement law " the 28th specific provision: "Of consumer of the advertisement content deceit with false fetching perhaps misunderstanding, misdirect, form false advertisement " . Certain medical establishment enrols professional model to pat false plastics case to be used at the behavior of advertisement, be suspected of false advertisement apparently, door of The Ministry of Commerce and Industry can give accordingly punishment.

The lawyer expresses, hitting banner of court case model to pull behavior of girl loan plastics to contain bigger concealment quality, if the formalities such as bilateral contract is all ready, whether does beautiful to cure orgnaization break the law to make judgement very hard still from evidence. Whether is the behavior that as to cure beauty the orgnaization borrows money this kind to ask to pull poll plastics again in installment first suspected of passing annul, still remain relevant section check.

Little younger sister reminds here

Girl love beauty is understandable

But in do not having an insatiable desire for petty gain the decoy of certain person

Believe ad not blindly also

Answer to accept treatment to beautiful orgnaization of regular medical service

Changsha plastics orgnaization " adulterate " inside: Action model pats false plastics to illuminate, character is played after loan plastics but sum allowance
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