Village of 71 property management still is resided " black a list of names posted up "

Village of 71 property management still is resided " black a list of names posted up "

Library Er straps evening paper dispatch (reporter Wang Weiwei) up to on October 18, pass a many month rectify and reform, already village of 37 property management rises from poor village for general village, but village of 71 property management still is resided " black a list of names posted up " no less than, be not rectified and reform like refus or did not finish inside 3 months rectify and reform, branch of city house property will be opposite Kuerle the service grade of this village reduces a level, and in the newspaper announcement.

By this year July, according to Kuerle city town essence of life refines management relevant requirement, city house property, gardens, street (community) the examination that waited for much branch combination to have a month to each village and supervise and urge, the environmental appearance of village of whole town property produced bigger change, got broad citizen praise and of all circles reputably. Bureau of city house property is in after asking for street, gardens, hair to change the opinion that waits for relevant section, have pool as a result with the examination of this bureau again, single out village of whole town property at was being judged on September 4 list of red black a list of names posted up, the village of honour board has 104 on, of black a list of names posted up have 109, the others is in (general) village, had positive stimulative effect to the development of industry of our city property. A many month passes again after rectify and reform, up to on October 18, 37 go up the village of black a list of names posted up was passed street (community) the answer check that waits for relevant section, rise in be (general) village.

There still are 71 villages to was not rectified and reform in list of black a list of names posted up at present reach the designated position, main concentration is in the following enterprise: State of hill of sea treasure, day, home, abundant, new boat, Tai Yi, Jin Long, Bai Xiangyuan, Fu Kang, medium, apricot is beautiful, sincere Xin, Hao Yang, a mind which perceives both past and future, auspicious female wait for 43 property to run a company.

In the light of still reside " black a list of names posted up " enterprise, bureau of city house property will adopt multinomial measure to give rectify and reform and supervise and urge. Above all, bureau of city house property declares list of red black a list of names posted up hair reaching city to change appoint, project of all to still rectifying and reform the enterprise that reach the designated position service does not get those who undertake property serves expense to adjust. To going up " honour board " the administrative company of the village adjusts its property in time to serve cost, stimulative industry health develops. Next, right " black a list of names posted up " village management company again exposure, supervise and urge the enterprise is rectified and reform as soon as possible reach the designated position. In the meantime, to property service grade executive trends turns management, be not rectified and reform like refus or did not finish inside 3 months rectify and reform, the service to this village grade reduces a level, and in the newspaper announcement, bring into property company at the same time sincere letter system, bad to this enterprise behavior gives record; If the village already was lowermost service grade, instruct its to exit this village service, deal with by relevant provision turn over formalities, by the place street (community) choose other property company to garrison service, bring into property company at the same time sincere letter system, this enterprise bad behavior gives record.

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