Doesn't the woman reject you to like you namely? Not foolish, do not reject to be not represented l

Doesn't the woman reject you to like you namely? Not foolish, do not reject to be not represented like


Actually, loving a fantasy is not feminine patent, occasionally the man also loves to think more, regarding what a few some do not have as is true.

Fall in love with a woman when him, he meets a woman augment filter mirror to her manner, beautification one, but the man does not know forever, this is oneself only " psychedelic " .

There is one blunder to become aware on this world, that is " she likes me " . Obviously the woman does not have settle on at all him, but be in the man's heart, had begun to name a word to the child.

Be in like Ying Yongchun " classics of love wrong path " in those who had written: "The man falls in love with a woman to need split second only, the woman falls in love with a man to need lifetime however. Come from this meaning say, feminine affection is greater, and the man's affection more soul-stirring. And the man's affection more soul-stirring..

The woman should fall in love with a person truly, not be so easy, she needs the precipitation of time, of years accumulate.

And man, need a very short time only however that one's mind disturbed.

Doesn't the woman reject you to like you namely? Not foolish, do not reject to be not represented like


So, the man should understand, doesn't the woman reject you to like you namely? Not foolish, do not reject to be not represented like, she may be only not the person harms you just.

Do not reject you, just become you likely " spare wheel "

The woman does not reject a man, can not explain she likes this man, perhaps she is having other " think " . When she has not decided you should be what identity, she won't reject you directly.

Be in likely now this phase, she still is in lone, calculate her not to like you so, she also won't reject you directly, what she thinks is regard you as " spare wheel " , be in necessary when, still can move you.

So, the woman does not reject you, what can show, cannot explain she has good opinion to you more, likely you are apropos by the woman with complex idea " use " . Not foolish, see well feminine purpose, do not yield oneself love, pay Debumingbubai.

Doesn't the woman reject you to like you namely? Not foolish, do not reject to be not represented like

Do not reject you, it is she has not found the argument that rejects you

The man wants to know, not be the woman does not reject you, however a lot of moment, she did not find appropriate reason. Some moment, feminine understanding is soft, she fears you are sad, also fear because your meeting professions with her fail and lose confidence, so she can think more comforting to want you, won't optional say with you " not " .

The woman also has wanted to say to be clear about with you, the way is obvious, but she was not found again,reject your argument. It is you probably too good to her, let her be defied hard, face the person that likes oneself, feminine heart always wants a bit softer, liking after all is not a kind of mistake.

So, the man should understand, the woman does not reject you, do not mean her to like you. Do not want occasionally too imagine attraction from opposite sex, let oneself appear very embarrassed to finally.

Do not reject you, also may be she is not good at rejecting others

Some moment, the man also does not want too much, she did not reject the woman you, the likelihood is she never is good at rejecting others. Actually, a lot of women are such, do not like obviously, always not be good at rejecting others however.

The woman often can fear, oneself reject others to be able to bring harm to others, she considers more, she special also the feeling that cares about others. So, you can discover, the woman won't reject you directly.

But, if the man wants to decide feminine intention really, be about many sided goes thinking, if the woman likes you, you are OK from her judgement of a lot of respects comes out. If the woman does not have a feeling to you, you are experienced desperately again also is he cheat oneself only.

Doesn't the woman reject you to like you namely? Not foolish, do not reject to be not represented like


Man, you do not want to imagine the woman too completely to your feeling, it is the illusion that yourself gives him only likely.

Feeling this kind of thing, cultured is lot after all, without lot, you go again persistence is trashy also.

If she has a feeling to you, your OK and bold pursuit, win your sincerity and sincerity, go winning the affection that returns a paragraph of happiness.

Can be like her to do not have a feeling at all to you, that did not love again, have on this world too much the predestined relationship does not have a portion, belong to your happiness, still go up in the road that come.

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