Bank Gao Shuxian of secretary of former leading Party group of bureau of state city qualitative insp

A few days ago,

Via checking, gao Shuxian disobeys political discipline, defy the organization is examined; Violate spirit of 8 central regulations, use management for a long time to serve object car; Disobey constituent discipline, did not report by the regulation the individual concerns item; Disobey clean-fingered discipline, violate compasses receive case gift; Disobey working discipline, intervene and have a hand in market economy activity. Use functionary advantage detinue public property, amount is particularly huge, be suspected of embezzling crime; Use a post to advantage is other seek interest and receive property, be suspected of bribery crime; Domestic worth and defray exceed lawful income apparently, difference is vast, oneself cannot explain its origin is lawful, be suspected of origin of belongings of a huge sum unidentified crime.

Gao Shuxian leads a cadre as the Party member, good faith is lost, the discipline that disobeys a party badly and state law code set, be suspected of crime, and in the party 18 big hind not convergent, do not collect a hand, property abominable, clue is serious. According to " byelaw of Chinese Communist disciplinary treatment " wait for concerned regulation, classics the Communist Party of China bank state city discipline appoint standing committee conference, bank state city inspect appoint appoint Wu conference studies and sign up for approval of municipal Party committee of state of bank of the Communist Party of China, the decision gives Gao Shuxian disciplinary action of government service of discharge party membership, discharge, capture its to violate record gain. According to " People's Republic of China is censorial law " wait for concerned regulation, be suspected of its guilty issue and other people of place experience money moving send a judiciary to be handled lawfully.

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