Beautiful couplet store the official is released it is important to add breath rhythm signal

American federal lays in committee vice-chairman Richard. Amount to in carat 16 days express local time, beautiful couplet store the official thinks American short-term interest rate is approaching level of neuter interest rate, beautiful couplet store future comes to basis economy data to decide to whether be added further breath. Amount to in carat express, cease through be being added nearly 3 years, american short-term interest rate already approached the level that does not control economy to grow not exciting also economy, this pairs of beautiful couplet store decision future adds breath contrail very crucial. It is especially when economic moving stability, beautiful couplet store come to the key decide to add breath rhythm according to each data.

Beautiful couplet store the official is released it is important to add breath rhythm signal

Reporter: The Yang Chenglin that make a predestined relationship

Chinese Xin Huaxin hears TV network (CNC) manufacture


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