Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow fam

Rome advocate the 2 dispute that compare 2 countries rice ferment continuously, roman team spirit asks the base of a fruit and state rice coach Sipalaidi continues to lie between empty brawl.

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Country rice is banner Milan 4 minutes, he Youwen differs 11 minutes. Naples tonight guest battle Atlanta

The gunfire that holds the base of a fruit in the palm basically centers at 35 minutes of 33 seconds that dot ball that Zaniaoluo is blundered by Danbuluoxiao did not sentence: "Really discreditable! Advocate juridical Luo Ji sees less than returning can understand, what is VAR doing in cloth of law of judgment of the first assistant? What he looks in VAR observation room is another match. Is the screen of Olympic not quite small? Can't cause juridical attention. So apparent dot ball cannot see, even does VAR do what? Our behoove wins a ball, was stripped. All day long is in referees Keweier Qianuojide attends a meeting, attend a meeting again, when should moving next, do not move. When should moving next, do not move..

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Contest hind is in Sipalaidi to connect ball of the dissatisfaction in line hookup process to judge with celestial TV station people staring at that dot ball only: "Danbuluoxiao is right that camera lens should watch the Ao Luo that plunge into the Buddhist nun afresh really, they have slight contact twice, but you why hold tight is worn dot ball of Rome, don't we also have a dot ball to was not sentenced? 86 minutes of Danbuluoxiao are fore-and-aft pass continuously, manuolasi knocks over Yikaerdi on the contrail that rubber ball advances, that is not body contact, let Yikaerdi derail however to turn over! If colliding without this Yikaerdi can the shoot on the horse, this also is the dot ball of one hundred percent. Our football person is blaming VAR everyday by abuse, overspend, threw into confusion the fluent sex of the match. But when ump reduces VAR to use, criticizing them again, what do this call logic? What do this call logic??

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

The Kanbiyasuo in celestial stage studio, Beiergemi and Si Shuai discuss even the line

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Country rice blast model 4132, admire sword resembles in, triumphant tower 2 forward

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rome 433, reason of rice green example will bind the state Niaoluo very rely on to go up

Hold the base of a fruit in the palm to continue to do not have fine words to Si Shuai: "I sheer him, do not want to meet with him. " Si Shuai responds to: "If see,hold the base of a fruit in the palm I can send one's respects to a hug, I do not force he retires, the club maintains that is him last years, I never also had evicted training camp him. " Si Shuai is breathed out slowly madly by Roman fan to end from the beginning.

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Tonight Milanese city, italian player association undertakes prize-giving grand ceremony of the 8th year, will single out on armour of sports season meaning the optimal player of 4 positions, and on sports season is optimal goal (Beineiwentuomen is opposite Buliniaoli head burst open the door of Milan is elected as cry highest) , still will award at the same time hold the base of a fruit and Pierluo in the palm lifelong achievement award. Estimation holds the base of a fruit in the palm to be returned so that speak of dot ball of Rome.

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice guest field makes the same score the country Rome is undeserved flatter, but also ought not to critically, can accept, do not have what crisis. Expose exposed issue and guest field to be defeated by hot thorn about the same, condition of the Xi Ji in admire is too poor do not deserve a hair, triumphant tower should take sb's place he and Bolidanuo (this field is in Rome in view of him the associate with of green example, fear he is put on bench by hiss) head send dozen of You Wen. Country rice fan is critically on the net also Peilixiji: "He is a spare player, sell him at once. " turn with what agency comes out meeting the sound of graceful couplet happens to have the same view. Buluozunweiji this is bad also, insignificant handball serves break even bit of ball, he is cannot the brunt of rotate, it is care of heart of your country rice this bit.

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice person VS overcomes the country Luo Deya's person: Maluoda, sell Peilixiji quickly

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

Rice fan appeal sells the country quickly Peilixiji! Apologize inside 10 bathhouse, do not allow family member make trouble

British sun signs up for: Be stranded neat Er wants to leave Asenna, country rice is one of option

Ding Neisi's reserve hit the horse 10 minutes to coexist with 2 younger brother, I wish Si Shuai more uses this pair of double forward, after Si Shuai surpasses, say: "I let Laodaluo's father remove that controversy trends, laodaluo also apologizes in bathhouse introversion teammate. The player is staring at this thing, the response that sees me will judge the discipline inside the team, does every player rely on family to phonate destroy team discipline to become why decency? Does every player rely on family to phonate destroy team discipline to become why decency??

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