Real name makes mobile phone card, change card to be not cancelled, sequential actually so serious?

Everybody is good, I am flourishing, in daily life, because our classics regular meeting arrived a variety of reasons such as provincial job, and need exchanges phone card, after a lot of friends were changing a phone to get stuck, did not cancel the card before, however ignore, perhaps desertion directly, but everybody may not know somewhat,

Real name makes mobile phone card, change card to be not cancelled, sequential actually so serious?

Direct and refuse meeting brings the consequence that a lot of expect are less than, so changed phone card is not cancelled, throw away after all directly can have what consequence!

When we know before the mobile phone gets stuck to confirm an attestation without the identity, meeting general owes a lot of people the mobile phone card with very much cost desertions directly, or a person deals with a lot of pieces of mobile phones to get stuck, carelessness desertions the mobile phone gets stuck to also do not fill do, to improve this kind of appearance, real name makes card of present conduction mobile phone,

Real name makes mobile phone card, change card to be not cancelled, sequential actually so serious?

As direct as our Id link up with, so that is to say, if your mobile phone got stuck to had been not used, but did not cancel however can affect directly, him Id credit record, why so say, because you did not cancel this piece of mobile phone!

No matter be business of business cable of mobile telecommunication or UniCom,be afraid of, do not know you need not get stuck this piece, they can think you still are their user, so they or meeting resemble every month deducting the formula charge that takes you on time euqally, deduct cost all the time so, if you are already successive,3 months were expended without capture, you can be pulled by postal service hall credit blacklist, however we know now the credit system of our country is more and more perfect, the mobile phone blocks the Id link up with with you, because of the mobile phone when you card owes cost and influence credence is recorded, this to

Id binds the credit integral that decided bank blocks to also can suffer an effect,

Real name makes mobile phone card, change card to be not cancelled, sequential actually so serious?

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