Beifuli talks to be driven out: Regard a man as me the mother that intolerable somebody insults me

Beifuli talks to be driven out: Regard a man as me the mother that intolerable somebody insults me

Beijing time on December 3, in the competition of convention of a NBA that has today, flier with 110-114 not enemy go alone a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct. This field match, flier accuses to defend Petrick - Beifuli's behavior lets a lot of go alone fan of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct is malcontent, above all he is attacked in the ancon in defending go alone player of team of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct Dennis - Smith, bring about latter tooth to be destroyed, subsequently he comes on the stage because of be being driven out with fan conflict again.

After contest, beifuli was accepted interview, spoke of the conflict with fan and oneself by be ordered off the field for foul play. He says frankly because fan of the other side undertakes contemptuous to his family, this ability lets him give strike back.

"Since hitting me to enter NBA, I never am driven out to had come on the stage. I play a ball game strong, but I play a ball game inside regular limits, I never am driven out to had come on the stage in my NBA career, but I am adult, I have my moral standard. I can accept others to scold me, but disgrace and my mother, this lets me cannot be accepted. After I and judgment and security personnel said, that fan said again. So, if nobody will control fan, how should our player do then? How should our player do then??

"I am adult, but if you insult my people, as a man, I am flagrant. I am flagrant..

Besides, beifuli emphasizes this sports season the mood that he has tried hard to control his, but because be accepted hard really,today is. "I never had been driven out, this is first time, this sports season, I have a technology to foul only, I had used up me to be able to dominate a sentiment, but when the family that when somebody disgrace reachs you, you can bear have so much only. No less than is all the person that loves him mother is same, nobody wants to hear the word that that fan place says. You can experience my feeling. You can experience my feeling..

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