Doubt Tsinghua " sexual distinction discriminates against " the schoolgirl apologizes: Was annoyed

Doubt Tsinghua " sexual distinction discriminates against " the schoolgirl apologizes: Was annoyed to develop brains

On March 18, an account in one's own words of dispatch of small gain of schoolgirl of an anxious surname, in enter oneself for an examination recruit students of interview of department of physics of Tsinghua university project encounters sexual distinction is discriminated against, say its enter a second-round exam the first times with first try written examination, but interview mark only 60 minutes. However last night 7 when make, excuse of this schoolgirl dispatch, say to was annoyed to develop brains today midday, sober hind irresponsible to oneself speech feels ashamed remorses.

Doubt Tsinghua " sexual distinction discriminates against " the schoolgirl apologizes: Was annoyed to develop brains

This anxious surname schoolgirl is university of Beijing post and telecommunications 19 degree are graduate, enter oneself for an examination this year nuclear energy of faculty of physics of Tsinghua university project and nuclear technology project (only large) , with written examination of professional first try the first achievement (376 minutes) enter a second-round exam, but interview result only 60 minutes. According to her view, in professional second-round exam, outside dividing its oneself, the others is the male 13 times entirely. Net of official of department of physics of Tsinghua university project releases recruit students of Master of project physics department was seleted list of second-round exam examinee to show 2019 put in this examinee truly.

Last night, anxious surname schoolgirl passes excuse of small gain dispatch, the doubt that the netizen expresses an article midday to her was responded to in article.

A staff member accepts office of department of physics of Tsinghua university project when media interviews, say: "Discriminate against this problem without sexual distinction. We also are talking with her now. This thing is explaining with her in the school and department, pacify her mood. We welcome a schoolgirl to enter oneself for an examination, the schoolboy in the department is too much, they also hope the schoolgirl is bit more. They also hope the schoolgirl is bit more..

Although this matter appeared one day yesterday,gut retroflexions, but instantly is to take an examination of after all grind season, to this one incident, netizens pay close attention to degree very tall.

Doubt Tsinghua " sexual distinction discriminates against " the schoolgirl apologizes: Was annoyed to develop brainsDoubt Tsinghua " sexual distinction discriminates against " the schoolgirl apologizes: Was annoyed to develop brainsDoubt Tsinghua " sexual distinction discriminates against " the schoolgirl apologizes: Was annoyed to develop brains

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