Does beautiful plot prevail? Presidential absurd weighs this country " China lacks esteem " , my M

Recently, below American interpose, the cloth of El Salvador new president that builds foreign relations dissatisfaction formally one year with China overcomes Er, relation of the Sa in be opposite it seems that was moved " other idea " .

According to beautiful intermediary report, cloth overcomes Er 13 days to express publicly, "China lacks esteem, interference to El Salvador his country is democratic, seek unfair trade " . To this, the comment expresses, look advisory Boerdu is opposite security of state of the United States before this the care of central america is angry without beat the air.

Does beautiful plot prevail? Presidential absurd weighs this country " China lacks esteem " , my Ministry of Foreign Affairs is puissant denounce!

On Feburary 13, in communicating, Boerdu expresses in Bukeer of as new as El Salvador president, for antagonism China so called " plunder sex " outspread, beautiful Sa two countries needs to cooperate. Black alleges, the government of his leader will be the United States " strong associate " . Additionally message personage discloses, cloth overcomes the Er concern reappraise and China.

Does beautiful plot prevail? Presidential absurd weighs this country " China lacks esteem " , my Ministry of Foreign Affairs is puissant denounce!

Cloth of new to El Salvador president overcomes Er, to the disloyal opinion on public affairs that China publishs, liu Kang of spokesman of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses 14 days, "Mutual respect, equal mutual benefit, each other always is taken when China develops a relationship with the world each country that includes El Salvador inside hands-off municipal basic principle. China and El Salvador establish diplomatic relations on foundation of principle of a China, comply with historical progress tide, accord with law of nations and international relation basic standard, accord with the prime increase of two countries and two countries people, open and aboveboard, on the up-and-up, not any trade under the counter or the interest is carried. Not any trade under the counter or the interest is carried..

Does beautiful plot prevail? Presidential absurd weighs this country " China lacks esteem " , my Ministry of Foreign Affairs is puissant denounce!

Last year August, el Salvador government falls in the principle that holds to a China, announce with stage authorities " break off a friendship " , establish diplomatic relations with China.

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