Although win,international Milan heart is compared, faction still is in

Although win,international Milan heart is compared, faction still is in

■ Yikaerdi. Hair of Xinhua News Agency

· of ● meaning armour 2 ∶ of Milan of the 28th round of AC 3 international Milan

The problem of rice returns the country is Yikaerdi

King of reporter of dispatch of new wall bulletin enemy reportorial Beijing time yesterday before dawn, meaning armour the 28th round staged battle of a focus. Compare in Milanese heart in, AC Milan is in " advocate " with 2 ∶ 3 negative at international Milan. Win heart comparing, rice surmounts the country to answer integral a list of names posted up to use too much force temporarily the 3rd, but of team " faction " did not solve, wanda still is in Ka Erdi of team captain Yi and its wife to put a word external ceaselessly. To the country for rice, if cannot do Ka Erdi of Yi of weigh in hand as soon as possible, so the sports season target that is hit into Ou Guan is not finished probably.

Win a ball to make position of Yi Ka Erdi awkward

On Feburary 13, country rice respect announced through gregarious network armband of header of Yi Ka Erdi is bereft message. From now on, yikaerdi hangs a tablet of truce high because of injury. Appear had had a many month, before be being compared up to heart of the 28th round of Milan, altogether of Yi Ka Erdi is absent 8 matches () of cup of 3 5 meaning armour, Ou Lian, these 8 matches, country rice 4 get the better of 2 smooth 2 negative.

Is Yikaerdi right country the: of verbosity of importance need not of rice? The assault force of rice of country of Yan  firm? was weakened a lot of. Not only league matches ranks team of the city that be the same as to surmount, europe couplet cup also is fallen into disuse to go out bureau. See achievement glides, yikaerdi and wife flourishing amount to the chuckle to oneself in the heart to be in overtones. Every time rice loses the country ball, wanda can be on gregarious network release about " faction truth " content, these content can let fan miss Yikaerdi apparently.

Milanese heart is compared is the 9th Yikaerdi's successive and absent competition. Before contest, italy " republic newspaper " showed a country rice inside, and saying is in-house personage explodes makings. Does the position that this reports swing to Yikaerdi almost completely: ?    member word  caves mirror ば to waterside because,? is too time protect teammate, bring about will handsome estrangement.

This report is if true, mean have a state really rice player is in big prewar " big mouth " , and still not be to follow this locality media to chat, put however expect capital media. Before heart comparing, who has the state in rice group this leisurely mood? Besides Yikaerdi and his wife, be afraid won't someone else is willing so dry.

Explode intentionally expecting is intended " shake soldier's morale " , this bad to say. Nevertheless, examine this report afresh after taking next heart to compare, can let a person feel disgusted even more really married couple of Yi Ka Erdi, yikaerdi in the country the position of rice also is met even more awkward.

Rice faction already became the state " craven rich weichis "

Rice knows very well the country tactical importance of Yikaerdi, yikaerdi also understands a country the platform importance of rice. Sad is, yikaerdi would rather all the time " cheat is hurt " also do not compromise, country rice also makes known his position Yikaerdi does not acknowledge a mistake not to grant its rejoin. Then, rice and Yikaerdi's antagonism turned the country into the standard " craven rich weichis " . Both sides knows perfectly well concede is optimal solution, but place an attitude to want namely " dead knock after all " , and really " dead knock after all " inevitable meeting is internecine.

Country does present sports season target remain rice only a: ? 8? of  of W ×  attend the Ou Guan of next sports season. Because " faction " , rice is opposite the country 9 minutes of AC Milan lead dominant position for a time by " nibble " danger, mix now Rome (the 5th) cent difference also remains 5 minutes only. Below the case that still has 10 rounds in league matches, team fighting capacity is like irreclaimable normal, rice does not have the country coronal of Europe of the sports season below the predestined relationship is by no means exaggerate sth just to scare people.

Circumstance it may not be a bad idea of Yikaerdi does not go which. Calculate preparative summer to turn meeting, but below the case that there still are two years in agreement, want to turn meeting must classics country rice agrees. If country rice not give the green light, yikaerdi still must resemble such now continueing " bad news " go down. To professional player, bad news question of 3 two months is not big, but joining waste time two years is to be able to endanger professional career.

Spain " A Si signs up for " report, emperor horse is willing to buy Yikaerdi with the price of 80 million euro. Sell emperor horse Yikaerdi, this is a country horse of emperor of effectiveness of the sports season below the situation; that rice is willing to accept, this also is the result that Yikaerdi likes. The problem depends on, although this road is feasible, but can walk out of, rice and Yi Ka Erdi need the country now seek a chance to extricateoneself from an awkward position. After all, only instantly continues to cooperate, future just has the possibility that peace parts company.

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