Spend medicine of 1980 yuan of redemptive holidays, aid is peaceful one old person is enraged bad

Spend medicine of 1980 yuan of redemptive holidays, aid is peaceful one old person is enraged bad

Before advisory stage, the citizen complains consumptive problem to the staff member.

Aid of Qi Lu evening paper is peaceful on March 17 dispatch (Wang Lei of reporter Zhu Saiyu's reporter) on March 15, society of consumer of supervisory management board of market of aid peaceful city, city holds 3 · day of rights and interests of 15 international consumer propaganda. Activity with " credit lets consume more be at ease " for the theme, authority of dimension of spot setting consumption complains commodity of conduct propaganda of plan of law of advisory stage, law, true and false to reveal, examine detect the service 20 are exhibited, offer a product to discern for the citizen, consumptive pattern, free law seeks advice etc one-stop service.

Peaceful custom of stage, aid seeks advice to wait in nicotian conduct propaganda exhibit before, advisory citizen in an endless stream. "When buying smoke ' grow ' , come today before last class. " Mr Liu that lives in dream round village, during spending the New Year from small business hand low bought smoke of a China, smoke rise flavour is incorrect, take bazaar appraisal to be false smoke. Commodity of nicotian true and false reveals the staff member of the area to remind, "Fake harm is great, must take care low is alluring, buy a product through normal channel. Buy a product through normal channel..

And before consumptive dimension authority complains advisory stage, li Yongan of 73 years old is obtaining an evidence, reflect the problem that oneself encounter to the staff member. Li Da father suffers from diabetic, credulous on the net " 3 months effect a radical cure diabetic " advertisement, the flower bought a few false drug 1980 yuan. "He says to send a period of treatment freely to me first, invalid refund. The phone after I hit the carry out on medical case later all the time nobody is received, hit directly finally was illogical, of company name or other place, can you help me think way? " accident 3 months, every raise this issue, li Da as form of a address for an official or rich man still is gas does not make one part.

The circumstance that the staff member as form of a address for an official or rich man to Li Da had family of protection of rights and interests of consumer of superintendency bureau of market of aid peaceful city written register, inform Li Da father to be able to think method contacts a businessman, solve a problem as soon as possible. In the meantime, the market superintends the staff member of the bureau to also warn broad citizen, buy what credulous and alleged salesperson does not want when health care is tasted to market a way, choose the way such as normal drugstore, bazaar to buy sanitarian product as far as possible, and the shopping proof such as bill of keep good sale makes dimension authority testimony, do not have an insatiable desire for petty gain, lest suffer bigger loss.

This activity, whole town market is superintended execute the law team, enterprise, guild and more than 90 enterprise or business unit, accept complain seek advice from 1000 more than person-time, the market is superintended execute the law to violate a case what personnel informs against to consumer to undertake the spot investigate mainly.

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