"Let the child win on the scratch line " , believe the original intention that is parents of a lot of China, the newspaper is costly teach course early, learn elementary school knowledge, beautiful even heavy gold to let the child go on abroad ahead of schedule summer camp. These impatient parents, think a child education to become talent children individually cannot.
Of course, also a few do not go all out to cross the family of financial capacity, want to let the child win on the scratch line, can send him to go up ahead of schedule only then nursery school. Can spend some of money less so, let child in advance acquire knowledge, especially ability is full after those September the parent of child of 3 years old.
In fact, the education of lead does not have what advantage to the child, and malpractice parents normally turn a blind eye to. Remind each parents, if love the child really, do not want those who make him premature to enter nursery school.
Generally speaking, the child that nursery school attends first is already full 3 years old, a lot of parents feel him child distance also was differred 3 years old only 2, 3 months, should not have what big problem. But the fact is not such, when the child is small " one day an appearance " , the age differs Debuduo, but build has apparent difference however.
And, set out from the child's psychology, they prefer and a bit bigger child plays. If there is a smaller child in the class, so other children can ignore him probably, bully him even. Consider a teacher OK to alleviate this kind of problem, but still can cause negative effect to child psychology more or less.
Besides, the child is not full 3 years old when, need father mother to accompany more actually beside, will develop safe sense of the child. If part forcibly at that time, looking in the parent is lead education, can affect psychological growth of the child however, bring about devoid safety feeling and self-confidence finally.
Always say the child goes up ahead of schedule the malpractice of nursery school, that what just makes do not go up ahead of schedule nursery school? In fact, the age that suits the nursery school on the child most should be 3-4 year old, the child of this age can get relaxation slowly on psychology, affection, because mix,won't produce green coke Lv parents is suddenly to feel.
? If the child is 4 years old go up the word of nursery school, the language expression ability that actually this meets him, provide for oneself ability had gotten promotion, banner even and other children, because this suits more,live in a big environment. Just think, if the teacher always praises the child's ability, can you also promote his self-confident heart?
In the evening nursery school child, not only can better blend in collective, obtain outstanding gregarious capability, and the rate that learns new thing, knowledge also is met faster, be beneficial to the child to grow undoubtedly.
Each parent, not again anxious let the child go up ahead of schedule nursery school. If still have what problem, might as well leave a message tell us ~