The parent hospitals nurse do not carelessness! Restaurant is corrupt play head of boy of ask for tr

Late March 14 9:50, group of new developed area of rescuing detachment of Changchun fire control is received call the police, those who say 2 years old or so is male child, the head is by card in the seat back of a chair of barbecue inn. Firemen hurries to the spot immediately, discovery male child because curiosity is mixed,be corrupt play, extend the head the woodiness the back of the chair that entered restaurant in, but when be being thought out, get stuck however.

The parent hospitals nurse do not carelessness!

Before firemen arrives, parent Ceng Duo the head of second jog child, try to help the child take off tired, but fail to succeed. For many times fail and be stranded for long, make child mood very flabby decide. Firemen discovery, because bench is real wood,break off not easily character, and get the limitation between beam of the back of the chair, plus broken tore open appliance to cause fright to cry to the child be troubled by, the circumstance of the spot brings very big test to firemen. Final, firemen decision, the crush that use liquid tears open tool group to undertake supporting maintaining defeating tearing open to the aperture between stool chair.

The parent hospitals nurse do not carelessness!

As a result of male childhood age lesser, to the sound of the machine some fear, the parent can cover only male child auditive, build a towel, make him temporary slow down tears open implemental audio fear to defeating. But male child still struggle ceaselessly, firemen can be controlled together with the parent only male child the body, let male child mom undertakes phonetic is comforted ceaselessly, at the same time a firemen is defeated with hand segregation tear open appliance, avoid to be being defeated in tearing open a process, be opposite male child the head causes harm, bit by bit the crossbeam prize wooden bench rise. Through nearly 2 minutes come to help, male child broke away from wooden chair eventually.

The parent hospitals nurse do not carelessness!

Firemen warns each parent, must attend to good child, avoid child bring into contact with as far as possible in the life the hole of lesser dimension or aperture, prevent accident happening. Once encounter similar problem, the parent must not flurried, stability stays in the child's mood in the meantime, choose to call the police for a short while, avoid to cause harm 2 times.

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