"Big customer " change banker head police station uncovers bilk suspect series bilk case (graph)

"Big customer " change banker head police station uncovers bilk suspect series bilk case (graph)

Net of the politics and law austral short for Weihe River (reporter Cao Wanlin) from " thunderbolt · 2019 " since special operation of battle of congress of spring crack a criminal case is begun, banker head police station is grabbed catch opportunity for combat, wide monarch clew, grasp hold " broken small case, warm common feelings of people " manner, the satisfaction that devotes oneself to to promote area under administration masses is spent and safety feels, serve as actively, aggrandizement " pilfer is grabbed cheat " etc invade money kind crime hits strength. Recently, banker head police station seizes Wang Mou of suspect of crime of case of a bilk successfully, uncover series bilk case more than cases 10.

On March 16, banker head police station receives masses Hou Mou to call the police: Weigh oneself by one man diddle 800 yuan. Classics understanding, hou Mou runs a supermarket, a man comes the junior in the home saying in inn is engaged, need buys gift of many smoke wine, requirement Hou Mou wants place goods carry first to the doorway, subsequently can the companion drives come engaging the load. Hou Mou thinks this is one sheet " big business " , prepare goods according to the requirement of this man. Subsequently, the car that this man says to its companion drives needs to cheer, but the ready money that carries is insufficient, let Hou Mou use small letter " borrow " give oneself 800 yuan, the loan after waiting for a companion to come over and payment for goods along with all the others settle. Just when Hou Mou still is enmeshed in " big business " in joyance cannot when extricate oneself, this man puts forward a driver not to know a road to need supply of his outlet mouth, however this man is gone forever, what Hou Mou just realizes he is glad is too early.

After case hair, policeman of banker head police station acts quickly, seasonable cloth accuses, careful is investigated, on March 19, the policeman locks up the Wang Mou that closes open book surely finally to be this case suspect, seize its inside one guesthouse. Occupy guilty suspect Wang Mou to explain, its after the middle ten days of a month was released after serving a sentence in July 2018, do not have income source all the time, was in with same guilty technique up to now in September 2018 and other places of settleclear city county, county joining this world, big Li county commits the crime more than cases 10. At present Wang Mou already by lawfully criminal is detained, the case is being dealt with further in.

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