Protest is invalid! Was turn for Chinese technology to block eventually, telangpu bate: Too not reas

Protest is invalid! Was turn for Chinese technology to block eventually, telangpu bate: Too not reasonable

Western country relies on an advanced technique to hold vantage ground in competition all the time. To strengthen this one dominant position, the country such as the United States often takes technical block, be opposite especially China, once China mastered an advanced technique,they worry, the market of relevant domain can be lost entirely. After all, if they are on same scratch line, so western country will compete with us. Although technical block gave us to cause difficulty on certain level, but from long-term in light of, this just is to helping us.

We can be done with India quite. India does not have technical block. The United States and Russia are trying to do one's utmost hook in. Accordingly, the advanced weapon of two countries can be bought in India, but this caused serious consequence. The martial industry that is India then lags behind badly. Because many capital is thrown,buy foreign weapon to go up, the war industry industry of Indian home grows hard, can more and more count foreign weapon, form vicious circle. We are hardheaded, develop our domestic weapon hard. Now almost all advanced weapons can be produced in China, this lets while India is being envied, also regretting why to to learn China to coming at the outset.

Current, chinese technology is already special and advanced, had exceeded the west in a few domains even. For example, in nuclear report domain, china developed not to produce the nuclear cable technology of nuclear flotsam, make nuclear report becomes real clean energy resources. Previously, a lot of countries did not develop nuclear report energetically. Main reason is they fear nuclear flotsam processing is bad. China also let them see a hope in the breakthrough of this domain now. A lot of countries come to China, say they want to buy this technology. The United States also unwillings to lag behind, break below 300 billion dollar to buy this technology.

However, face the temptation of capital of a huge sum, chinese rebuff, this also makes the United States resents greatly, put forward to protest to China. But the technology is us. Sell and do not sell we have authority decision, american protest disables completely. The United States copes with us all the time with technical block. Since wind direction and direction are being changed, be turn for us finally to prevent this technology. Telangpu is very indignant also, say China violated regulation. Actually we just are learning American way, should blame themselves quite!

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