The Ma Hang of deficit of that in successive years, another secondary is sold

It is blessing of all passenger pray above all

The Ma Hang of deficit of that in successive years, another secondary is sold

Malaysia premier horse breaths out · of Er of the base of a fruit this week shows Mohammed, the government is planning to did not come afresh for Malaysia airline, the consideration is to be its again financing, still sell its, or it is flat shut.

"Shutting national airline is a very important thing. These things need to make a decision as soon as possible by the government. " Mohammed says.

At the beginning of this month, ma Hang has a person actually Malaysia treasury accuses announce, its asset is decreased was worth 7.3 billion Lin Ji spy (make an appointment with amount to 12 billion yuan of RMB) , having loss of half the number among them is caused by Ma Hang. Does Yi of CEO of equestrian boat group plunge into Mu? Er also admits Yi Simei, ma Hang faces grim challenge in recent years, the fierce competition that causes besides supply exceeds demand, return the adverse effect that got fuel rises in price to fluctuate with foreign currency.

The Ma Hang of deficit of that in successive years, another secondary is sold

Ma Hang is Malaysia state-operated company, also be the national airline of Malaysia, held water 1947. This company has a plane the earliest only, moving Singapore is mixed to kuala lumpur the course such as Bin city. Now, ma Hang had become complete southeast Asia an airline with aircraft most group.

1981, malaysia treasury accuses a Mahadier Muhanmode of trustee bureau chairman to take up the post of a premier, the Ma Hang that agreed with former native battalion 1994 appears on the market, approve Da Zuding of equestrian boat former chairman at the same time La Li with 1.79 billion Lin Ji spy (make an appointment with amount to 2.9 billion yuan of RMBs) buy discontinue boat the equity of 32% , become the person that concrete barracks of Ma Hang carries.

But next Ma Hang fails to realize gain all the time, share price also goes all the way drop. 1997, mahadier approves Da Zuding blue benefit again its equestrian boat equity sells with prep above market price answer a government, boat letting a horse turns from privately owned company time for state-operated company. 2011 to 2013 money year, net loss forehead of Ma Hang is a RMB respectively 4.74 billion yuan, 810 million yuan, 2.2 billion yuan. In December 2014, ma Hang stops a card to exit the market to trade, all equity issue hold of fiscal holding company by Malaysia finance affiliated to a ministry.

Of the same age, because two planes crash one after another and Ma Hang causes the world to pay close attention to.

The Ma Hang of deficit of that in successive years, another secondary is sold

On March 8, 2014, ma Hang heads for the MH370 number regular air service of Beijing to be missing by kuala lumpur. After 5 pass, to MH370 flight seek the job still continueing. This month, malaysia government still expresses, if exist any authentic clew or it is specific proposal, still can consider to restart the search works.

On July 17, 2014, when flight of Ma Hang MH17 carries out airport of Amsterdam Shi Jipu to fly to course of kuala lumpur International Airport, in the Wukelan that approachs Russia border 33000 feet of headroom inside territorial air are atttacked by Russian-made beech missile the disintegrate in sky of as a result and crash, on machine 283 passengers and all of the member that 15 machine are comprised are murdered.

Crash twice one year vigour of boat letting a horse is hurt greatly. Of the same age, to save Ma Hang, malaysia government throws 6 billion Lin Ji spy again (make an appointment with amount to 9.85 billion yuan of RMB) , undertake recombining to this company. 2015, ma Hang greets the first place to be not Malay president Christopher Mule.

After Mu Le appears on the stage, be opposite equestrian boat open reform. He placed " 3 years gain plans " , the target is to make the Ma Hang that has gone bankrupt actually realizes income and expenses to balance to 2018. For this, ma Hang reduced the flight number of nearly 1/3, its also have 1/3 in 20 thousand employee, about the same 6000 people are papered cutter.

April 2016, mu Le announces boat of this quarter horse gains profit 1.4 billion Lin Ji spy (make an appointment with amount to 3 billion yuan of RMBs) , this is Ma Hang comes for years first gain. But before long hind, because personal account leaves Ma Hang,Mu Le announces however. Its succession person Bei Lu also is in Peter lie between will leave Ma Hang year in December.

2017, this company did not publish complete money newspaper, but divulge say outstanding achievement of its annual finance affairs did not amount to a target. 2018, treasury of equestrian ship parent company accuses the deficit before duty is 6.27 billion Lin Ji spy, equestrian boat difficult demit its blame. 3 years gain planned to fail.

Peng rich company edits Adam Minter comment to say, go a few years in, malaysia government invested a large number of capital to Ma Hang, and the look forward to of privately owned boat in low cost is completely capable to offer more competitive replacement scheme when, ma Hang's existence more resembling is to satisfy a kind of politics to expect. "Malaysia is not exclusive the country that a need reconsiders it whether needing to keep airline of a nation really. "Malaysia is not exclusive the country that a need reconsiders it whether needing to keep airline of a nation really..

Malaysia ex-premier Najibu expresses, he objects authorities is shut or selling Ma Hang. "No matter Ma Hang faces how many loss, the government ought not to sell it, because Ma Hang is national pride. Why equestrian boat circumstance not is beautiful about to sell? That is not settlement way, people won't support. People won't support..

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