Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

A lot of people ask me, I am having dog elder brother now caviar, change Chengyuanzhi to had been chosen later?

Dog elder brother, I am eating now be able to bear or endure Ji Si, change ADD?

In my heart very helpless, they are production of a factory actually is good! ! !

Still have a lot of signs, selling the country that selling production to change

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

Open this dense fog to everybody today ~let's Go~~~

To close compasses labour looking for era

Each brand that wants to develop for a long time in China is seeking normalization, take namely Ministry of Agriculture and examine quarantine always is approved twice of the bureau civil, but the problem is to take batch of article to need time, but differ in the development of Chinese market person ah

Are some brands willing how to wait to do? Can seek white list only, the plant that has taken batch of article namely goes taking the place of labour. Because check and accept be pair of abroad factories actually, wanted a factory to take batch of article only, no more than reports new recipe namely just, actually very fast

So actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances, be to be in what acting factory generation is versed in more very

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

Also have group of a few China additionally, find acting works, you help me make a food ~ takes the place of next the factory was versed in with respect to era a batch of grain sell China to come, this kind imports food, be less than in the search on foreign website namely, had not listened completely, appeared suddenly

Grain of these two kinds of entrances is normal actually, it is the food that everybody needs to know different brand only, be production of a factory actually, change grain to must not be changed same of a factory production, was this changed in vain? Appear particularly foolish

Looked for a lovely little elder sister today like you, little tomorrow elder sister made up another you think is elder sister of another young lady, don't this feel oneself very wriggle?

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

Talk about the king that into grain ration 3 large generation are versed in next

Belgian combination

The king of China that is versed in into grain ration generation is located in Belgian United namely, namely the associated plant that we often say, pet is exhibited on can see they often hire very small exhibit, talk about very big business actually

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

The brand that this factory generation is versed in includes:

Belgian combination: Marine star, wellness, caviar, pa Mom is bestowed favor on, otherwise, gnaw amount to, mew Da, choose formerly, be able to bear or endure Ji Si, hundred Fu, active beneficial gives birth to bacterium Live, aipushi, bay dimension is added, be My Baby

But as a result of Belgian last year avian flu, belgian supply of goods is not quite stable also, the future of Belgian grain is met after all how are we also clear about, the friend that also has Belgian grain please affirms with the representative below, whether is their grain affected by the avian flu last year

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

As to the product of this factory, whole I feel this factory is a bit of end mediumer, the product with particularly high index had not been made in my impression, it is albumen of 20%-30% much dot, 15% of the left and right sides adipose such recipe

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

I found the video introduction of Untied factory in outer net, what new friend needs is OK pull add my good friend to want finally, old friend asks dog elder brother 1-4 number is good

New Zealand ADD

Because Belgium had an accident, chinese and foreigner of like a swarm of bees ran New Zealand, new Zealand generation is versed in cost is added madly now, the likelihood is not quite expensive before with respect to can acting labour a product, want to spent more cash ability generation to be versed in now

New Zealand includes Add in the factory of white list, namely Addiction the has brand place oneself plant of this grain

Add is a Wdj recommends a factory, because of theirs oneself brand Add often is recommended by Wdj

The brand that ADD produces includes: Rice can be taken, ou Saisai, be able to bear or endure Ji Si, ADD, novate of Nuo dimension peaceful, APLUS(A+) , block case Kakato, wash Bone flavour thinks of companion

In imagining than me really, want much, a lot of new brand chooses New Zealand

Nevertheless I break up really, I did not find the picture of ADD factory, not be black, I feel a good plant, be the photograph that dares to put him, have other consideration of course I am not clear, that puts a Logo

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

Canadian Elmira

This likewise also Wdj recommends Canada, their oneself trademark tie pauses, now of acting labour brand, wdj recommends Go, pure regard as gives the food that come, I feel this Canadian factory also is feel well Belgium

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

I also found the video introduction of Elmira factory in outer net, look really pretty good, what new friend needs is OK pull add my good friend to want finally, old friend asks dog elder brother 1-4 number is good

Canadian Elmira produces a brand to include: Button pauses, be able to bear or endure Ji Si, GO, now, power of golden outfit element is high

Besides be able to bear or endure Ji Si, the frequenter that is WDJ

Pack and detail page contest

These manufacturer find acting work, can suffer from consumer

Little criterion 5, 6, many a few brands are in same a factory production, this how divisional stand or fall

Besides particularly strange flower for instance Now, GO has a product line in others factory beyond, much may be the raw material of a supplier, production of a product line comes out

Distinction is major the likelihood is packed namely and detail page

Then the contest of the design that pack of a dynamic and contest of detail page design began

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

I ask, if do not keep brand name, see a detailed information only page and pack can you share who is clear?

This follows net blush same, every girl mark matchs a Han Shi half permanent, the look is comprehensive, trust grand is nose, malic flesh, 36D, see quadratic moment does not remember her calling Lily or Lucy~

But this also does not have method, national condition is such, be in charge of severely, want to make money to be able to take the place of only again was versed in

So can I write an article to tell everybody, ask you to polish your eye, see well, the brand that you buy is produced where after all

These brands have some of conscience, some black heart, same a thing that factory acting worker worker comes out, what some brands sell is expensive, what some brands sell is cheap, these I gather up again next time, it is this to give them to shine a photograph

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?

Replace a plan

The concrete analysis of the product that produces to these factories should arrive possibly next time, it is overall introduction this only these 3 factories

Be in present China, I feel to let everybody know feline dog food is which factory production, pack with what than this grain, it use what detail page is more important to use what detail page, next I can continue to gather up other content

For instance 3 companies of home bought plant of 3 staple food grain in Australia New Zealand

There is not mentioned Belgian brand KATZ today for instance, ou Guan, ou Di 100 million, king's Pet as flight of steps leading to a palace hall bestow favor on, dark on the west

Thailand is for instance potted, the brand is very much, actually production also is production of those a few factories

I still see what Taiwan, philippine, argentine, the entrance food that all sorts of places such as Brazil produce

Still have the candy fox that American factory generation is versed in

Additionally I also collected the brand place factory of homebred grain to may have 100 many, can send next time, had sounded tired

Actually food of dog of cat of a lot of entrances is same the factory does, were you cheated again?


I write this article is not to say these 3 factories are bad, the grain target that becomes jointly is a bit lower, disappear is protected appoint the examination comes out also problem of it doesn't matter, elmira and ADD are the plant that can make WDJ recommend food, whole is pretty good

Just everybody must be cleared up, pack, the backside of detail page, this product is former factory production after all, of acting still labour.

Arrive today here, I go looking for my girlfriend, everybody good night ~

Article part picture comes from a network, invade cutout

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