Jiangsu north person lasts business ability impeach: The biggest supplier or stopping to accuse pers

Pursue robot system to for compositive company, firm of the biggest robot of problem nothing is more... than stops to supply a robot to its, and Jiangsu north person may have begun to face this one problem.

Of Jiangsu north person advocate the system that business Wu changes to provide industrial robot automation, intelligence is compositive integral solution. Although contain " robot " 3 words, but actually, jiangsu north person does not produce a robot, zhu Zhenyou of person of this company effective control ever expressed " the company does not produce a robot, the system that makes a robot only is compositive change with intelligence, automation solders the system is compositive. The system that makes a robot only is compositive change with intelligence, automation solders the system is compositive..

Book of raise capital by floating shares shows, the biggest supplier was Jiangsu north person 2016 limited company of robot of steel of An Chuan head (also be main competitor) , but mixed 2017 disappeared from inside before the company 5 big suppliers suddenly however 2018, appeared at this moment another robot tycoon -- Shanghai sends limited company of that division robot, but inopportune is Shanghai sends business of limited company of that division robot to bear with " intelligent machine and automation system offer whole set project to serve " , so does Shanghai send that division robot to you can be in did some day also disappear in list of 5 big suppliers once upon a time suddenly?

The biggest supplier is a competitor unexpectedly

In book of raise capital by floating shares " main business and the with publisher comparison inside the industry circumstance " in, jiangsu north person states main business has limited company of Shanghai ABB engineering inside the industry (the following abbreviation " ABB project " ) , limited company of robot of steel of An Chuan head (the following abbreviation " steel of An Chuan head " ) .

Jiangsu north person, ABB project is mixed steel of An Chuan head parts be subordinate to belongs to group of ABB of international robot tycoon and Japanese An Chuan, all hold water at going up century 90 time. As the getaway of industry of robot of our country industry and development, these two enterprises begin to enter home market to pursue labour robot system compositive Wu, because start earlier, have inside the industry send an advantage first.

Jiangsu north person lasts business ability impeach: The biggest supplier or stopping to accuse person old boss for goods fact is the biggest client

However, namely such one had the company that sends an advantage first to became the biggest supplier of Jiangsu north person 2016 however inside the industry. Book of raise capital by floating shares shows, 2016 the biggest supplier of Jiangsu north person is branch of Shanghai of limited company of robot of steel of An Chuan head, purchase is seventeen million seven hundred and seventy-four thousand yuan, occupy in those days 11.53% of total purchase.

Interesting is, in next mixed 2017 2018, steel of An Chuan head disappeared from inside list of before Jiangsu north person 5 big suppliers. Nevertheless tycoon of another international robot goes up however a list of names posted up -- Shanghai sends limited company of that division robot.

Weather eye checks a data to show, shanghai sends limited company of that division robot is Japanese FANUC (send that division) the company that company limited and limited company of trade of economy of international of Shanghai electric equipment create jointly. FANUC of Japan of it is reported (send that division) the company limited is the robot tycoon with famous whole world, with Swiss ABB, Japan library of An Chuan, Germany gets stuck and call a robot 4 everybody a group of things with common features.

Jiangsu north person lasts business ability impeach: The biggest supplier or stopping to accuse person old boss for goods fact is the biggest client

State enterprise information is public show a system to show, shanghai sends scope of operations of limited company of that division robot to be assembled for production, maintain a robot, intelligent machine and automation system provide service of whole set project, the sale produces a product oneself. Current, of Jiangsu north person advocate the system that business Wu changes to provide industrial robot automation, intelligence is compositive integral solution. Look so from the industry, although Jiangsu north person was not in " inside the industry main business and with publisher compare a situation " Shanghai alludes to send limited company of that division robot in the section, but the competitor that Shanghai sends limited company of that division robot is Jiangsu north person as before likely.

Fact of department of the biggest client accuses person old boss

Of Jiangsu north person accuse to control factitious Zhu Zhenyou a partner, actually, at present Zhu Zhenyou removes direct hold company 2, six million seven hundred and seventy-four thousand three hundred share (occupy before issueing of total capital stock 30.43% ) , at the same time the president of Zhu Zhenyou or company holds general manager concurrently.

Jiangsu north person lasts business ability impeach: The biggest supplier or stopping to accuse person old boss for goods fact is the biggest client

Book of raise capital by floating shares shows, zhu Zhenyou came in July 2004 during August 2007, ever held the post of limited company of Shanghai general motors to make a ministry maintain a manager; Of coincidence is, came 2016 2018, the biggest client of Jiangsu north person is to go up steam group, 27.15% what to going up the scale of the sale of steam group took business income 2018.

Net of steam group officer shows on, on place of group of general strung steam belongs to steam truckload enterprise. In book of raise capital by floating shares, jiangsu north person also shows " the product basically serves at going up steam red flag of masses of general, one steam, one steam, on car of steam masses, Shanghai... brand car manufacturer. " and on general platoon is in steam the first.

Continuously business ability impeach

From Jiangsu north person advocate in light of business Wu and circumstance of before 5 big suppliers, jiangsu north person is in robot robot industry, the likelihood acted as " bagman " part: According to the demand of downstream client, to send that division robot, An Chuan to the international tycoon such as the robot purchases a robot and offer installation to serve.

However this kind of management mode may encounter such predicament: Should send the international tycoon such as that division robot, An Chuan robot to begin to be offerred by oneself when installation serves or these international tycoons sell a robot to Jiangsu north person no longer, how should Jiangsu north person do?

Actually, jiangsu north person had encountered such situations likely.

2016, the biggest supplier is Jiangsu north person branch of Shanghai of limited company of robot of steel of An Chuan head, and mixed 2017 2018, branch of Shanghai of limited company of robot of steel of An Chuan head disappeared in the list of 5 big suppliers once upon a time however.

According to book of raise capital by floating shares of Jiangsu north person, steel of An Chuan head fastens one of company main competitors, at the same time be subordinate to belongs to An Chuan of Japan of international robot tycoon. At this moment we can't help wanting to ask, why is steel of An Chuan head met disappear from inside the list of before Jiangsu north person 5 big suppliers suddenly?

Again next mixed 2017 2018, jiangsu north person is the biggest the supplier is Shanghai hair limited company of that division robot, inopportune is, with steel of An Chuan head is similar, shanghai sends limited company of that division robot is FANUC of Japanese robot tycoon (send that division) company limited place belongs to a company, scope of operations is production to assemble, maintain a robot, intelligent machine and automation system provide service of whole set project, the sale produces a product oneself. So, shanghai sends the competitor that limited company of that division robot is Jiangsu north person as before likely.

So the issue came again, shanghai sends limited company of that division robot to be able to resemble steel of An Chuan head same, disappear from inside list of before Jiangsu north person 5 big suppliers suddenly?

On the other hand, the biggest client is Jiangsu north person department fact accuses group of the steam on person old boss, jiangsu north person is right 2018 go up 27.15% what the scale of the sale of steam group takes business income. So, once go up,steam group produces human affairs to change, whether to meet pair of Jiangsu north people cause adverse effect again?

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