Contention gold boa (contemporary tale)

Contention gold boa (contemporary tale)

Old boss is a genuine paragraph father, the word that uses him himself says, his whats are short of now, do not lack cash namely. Be liked greatly even if like boa of old boss most, he was spent at the back of his villa millions of yuan, built rockery of a man-made, want available spare time only, he comes to this rockery, with a few constrictor snake stays together, his from time to time lets constrictor snake tangle to go up in his neck; From time to time lets constrictor snake tangle to go up in him body; From time to time lies on the ground, let snake of a few constrictor climb to climb on his body, massage to oneself, the word that uses him himself says, it is the immortal also does not go up too he the day of the easy and comfortable and at ease joy that this is not immortal of immortal be better than.

This day, old boss listens to a person to say, in the green grassy marshland of upper reaches of cattail stone river, somebody discovered boa of a gold, whole body of that gold boa is golden, in sunshine beamed below, gloden like gold. Old boss besides gold boa has seen on TV besides, still never saw with one's own eyes has seen this rare gold boa, then his attune comes hundreds oneself employee, begin to search gold boa in this blueness grassy marshland. Who knew to search 5 days fully, the sign that connects gold boa actually was not searched. Old boss not give up the idea forever, want available spare time only, he is driving his treasure carriage, come in this blueness grassy marshland, search gold boa alone.

This day midday, the old boss with wine full full meal, the treasure carriage that driving him again comes in green grassy marshland, after he parks the car in be in the woods, begin to search gold boa. Because the nature is true too hot, the feeling is a little Mondayish, lay in grassy marshland to be asleep. When waiting for him to awake, discover a young a person harmful to the country and people is breaking his car window with stone actually abruptly. Old boss bends over in grassy marshland, draw out skill machine rapidly, belly, when needing the space that climbs video of OK and clear transcribe, old boss halted, in old boss heart very clear, if he stands up, the affirmation after young a person harmful to the country and people discovers can run, want the video below transcribe only, young a person harmful to the country and people runs with respect to don't imagine that is possible. Young a person harmful to the country and people had smashed car pane, begin to draw out the purse inside, old boss opens a mobile phone rapidly, begin transcribe. Young a person harmful to the country and people takes wallet, begin to run ahead, old boss climbs, government young a person harmful to the country and people howl: "Young a person harmful to the country and people, you stop to me, I had given you transcribe video, you run to be not dropped! " young a person harmful to the country and people stopped at a draught, the mobile phone in hand of old boss raise, ground of terrified of terrified of young a person harmful to the country and people looks at old boss, who knows old boss eye to be being looked at be about to approach when young a person harmful to the country and people, young a person harmful to the country and people uproots the leg runs rapidly ahead unexpectedly, the time that blinks, get into the woods. Old boss concludes this young a person harmful to the country and people lives in this blueness for certain near grassy marshland, then he stands by a few families of green grassy marshland directly, he opens mobile phone video, look to a few women. The face of a woman vacates the ground red rise: "He is my son full circle, he often stands by that turning of cattail stone river to fish in green grassy marshland, I go looking for him. " old boss is furious very ground say: "You is this Mom how of certainly child? How can you still let him become an enemy? " on the side a woman interrupts: "This boss, you do not know somewhat, her son full circle is a very pretty good child, a person's mind is particularly kind-hearted, he... " glare of firm of old employer firm woman: "Can be the child of goodness of a person's mind still become a person harmful to the country and people? " another woman interrupts: "This boss, you still do not know somewhat! Full circle is a particularly kind-hearted child really. 3 years ago, full circle stands by that turning of cattail stone river to fish in green grassy marshland, angling, when a big cobra is preparing Xiang Manyuan to launch attack, let unexpectedly small thin gold boa gives dead entwine dead, it is this small the little life that thin small gold boa saved full circle, full circle this small thin gold boa lane comes home will raise, feed chicken, bunny, duck to it everyday. Who knows this small thin gold boa grows really too fast, appetite is bigger and bigger also, their home is not taken give more money to buy chicken, bunny, duck to eat to gold boa. Reckon full circle breaks your car window, steal your purse, it is to want to use the fund that comes secretly for certain, buy chicken, bunny, duck to eat to gold boa. " the large small hole with old boss amazed goggle at, say of busy incessantly ground: "What about is then you take me to see gold boa rapidly? " after a few women are taking old boss to come to the room, room hind has a small bald mountain, on small bald hill, with stone build by laying bricks or stones very tall very tall stonewalling, gold boa hides below this stonewalling. Old boss burns with righteous indignation, cannot conceal his glad and clinking bearing simply, he is right full mom say: "I spent 2 million yuan of bought treasure wagon, your son gives pane of my BMW car vehicle smashed, yourself calculates, does need compensate pay me tens of thousands of yuan of cash? If you send me to raise this gold boa, we can are opposite touched. " full mom hastens nod: "Go all right, you pull this gold boa rapidly! You pull this gold boa rapidly!!

Who knows to be in at this moment, full circle runs quarrelsomely: "Be no good, be no good stoutly, I still give you purse! " in the hand that full circle fills in purse into old boss. Old boss has received purse, sighed deeply: "Good, since you do not want to be opposite,touch, that with respect to compensate 20 thousand yuan of my money, otherwise I call the police immediately, let you sit a few years prison house! " full circle is stubborn say very: "My would rather is imprisoned room, also won't send you the gold boa that saves my life! " full mom is urgent: "You sat prison house, who will raise gold boa? Do you hope its while still alive is starved to death? " full circle still stubborn say: "I with respect to would rather it free captive animals, also won't give stranger him! " old boss grin laughs: "Good ah, you sat namely prison, still get compensate at least 20 thousand yuan of my money! " full circle at a draught pose, next full circle goes to the side of gold boa, touching gold boa with the hand at the same time, toot toot cried at the same time.

Old boss comes to hand gold boa in, if obtain jewellery, he is right of gold boa love, catch the lot that likes him simply, want to have time only, even if be the time of little, he can run to rockery, from time to time lets gold boa tangle to go up in his neck; From time to time lets gold boa tangle to go up in him body; From time to time lies on the ground, let gold boa climb to climb on his body. Whenever right now, old boss resembled true Elysium in.

Old boss took away gold boa beside of full circle, also give the hope of full circle, pleasure at the same time took away. He all the day tacit, study result drops point-blank; Want to have time only, he can stand by the turning of cattail stone river, looking at the direction that gold boa disappears, sitting is a few time; Especially of these days in the evening, leng Buding of full round total meeting awakes from inside sleep, he is met jump down the ground, bare is worn the foot runs outside going out, the edge runs to cry by the side of him: "My gold boa come back, my gold boa come back! " full mom is overcome really, she worries about full circle again such do sth over and over again go down, have more than is needed a few days, he affirms those who drop the meeting is mad. Then full mom toughen one's scalp-brace oneself will look for old boss, told old boss the psychosis of full circle according to the facts, hope old boss can be a bosom wide, still give full circle gold boa. Who tells old boss actually anyway does not agree, full mom is forced but, fell on his knees to old boss actually finally, old boss is stupefied terrified a long time, say of final gnash one's teeth: "Such, I pay you 100 thousand yuan of cash, you give full circle these 100 thousand yuan of money, full circle saw these 100 thousand yuan of fund, experience with respect to ground of can deep deep be sure to, I am how love gold boa, gold boa is here resemble be in heaven same, such his affirmation can put down a heart to come! " if full mom feels old boss says, manage really truly, brought full circle these 100 thousand yuan of money, can let full mom absolutely did not think of, full circle does not want these 100 thousand yuan of money actually, his have to should answer the gold boa that saves his life. Full mom has no alternative, be forced toughen one's scalp-brace oneself finds old boss again, still give old employer these 100 thousand yuan of money, say of old boss gnash one's teeth: "Good, you can go back gold boa belt, but premise is, you must compensate pays me 20 thousand yuan of cash, and I call the police even! " full mom thinks many times, must shake his head finally, empty-handed of ground of lose one's mind and return.

Full circle did not beg gold boa because of mom come back, this hits nature to his spirit is very tremendous, he everyday meal of not feel like eating, sleep bad to become aware, want to have time only, he can stand by the turning of cattail stone river, slow-witted slow-witted ground is looking at the direction that gold boa disappears.

This day is on Saturday, full circle stands by the turning of cattail stone river again, he discovers a teenager that follows his age similar to fishing in Pu Shi river. Be in at this moment, a big fish swallowed the bait, fishing teenager is very adept, because the fish is big, he did not get on big fish toward the bank directly drag, put long fish line however, smooth in the river fish. Always angle big fish, get smooth fish, wait for big fish to swim namely tired, struggled without effort, drag it to the bank again, use flue to wrap up it. Because fishing teenager focuses all attention on smooth fish, below the foot that did not notice him, the result does not take care, slippery entered a river in. Ability in swimming of fishing teenager it doesn't matter, struggled a little while to begin to go to in water sink in water. Full round the depth is particularly good, he a few paces go straight towards the past, jump into the river, do not give fishing boy a little while save went up bank. Fishing teenager is touched extremely, he is very forthright the ground is right full round say: "I call Chen Dian pasture, you are my savior, although say with me,you have what difficulty, pick tiny spot besides God, pick a moon besides! " all the time the full mom that darkling protects full circle say: "Full circle has to catch up with the day picks tiny spot really, pick the tickler with about the same moon. " Chen Dian pasture blurts out: "What thing although you say. " full mom told Chen Dian pasture according to the facts with respect to the story gold boa, who knows old pasture pasture at a draught pop eye: "Old boss is me old father ah! " mother and daughter at a draught Jing lived. Old pasture pasture one word say of a ground: "You are my savior, although I am old,pa regards gold boa as his life, but I can think all way, gold boa from me beg to you in the hand of old father come back, beside make gold boa new return you! " after old pasture pasture says, open a mobile phone, give full mom the mobile phone, he will manage shallow water division, the appearance that pretends to be being wided by water, struggle desperately, full circle comes round daringly to save him, the occasion that lets full mom save full circle him comes down to transcribe.

Old pasture pasture sends the video of transcribe to the net, most the mom that what see this paragraph of video first is old pasture pasture, old mom is grouchy pasture of ground blame Chen Dian: "The family is risked dead save you, how are you OK apathetic? Tell favour graph newspaper, don't you understand? Take 100 thousand yuan of money to repay a family immediately! " old boss gnash one's teeth: "Take 500 thousand yuan. " old mom one Jing: "What, 500 thousand yuan? Be bit more? " say of old pasture pasture: "Old Mom, you still do not know, I am old this gold boa of pa is the savior hand from me in extortionate those who come! " old pasture pasture spoke out the story from beginning to end of gold boa, old mom is grouchy ground cut out old boss: "Should take 500 thousand yuan really! " old pasture pasture looks at old boss: "How to if doesn't he want these 500 thousand yuan of full circles,do? " old boss glare Chen Dian pasture: "500 thousand yuan doesn't he want how possibly? Is he foolish? If these 500 thousand yuan he does not want really, I still give him this gold boa! I still give him this gold boa!!

Old pasture pasture is taking 500 thousand yuan bank card, come to the home of full circle, let absolutely of old pasture pasture did not think of, man Yuanzhen does not want these 500 thousand yuan, his have to should answer his gold boa, old pasture pasture looks at full circle: "If give you 1 million yuan? " say of full round flat and agile ground: "Then I also do not want, I am about my gold boa! I am about my gold boa!!

Old boss is informed Man Yuanzhen to did not want these 500 thousand yuan, be startled naturally extremely, after he brooded a little while, say of gnash one's teeth: "That still gives full circle this gold boa. " old boss puts gold boa to saddle, opening Home Che Xiangman round gallop go. Who knows a car to go on the way, gold boa climbs on the adagio body to old boss actually, ground of old boss Chi skid car, it is firm ground say very: "Be no good, if I return gold boa to full circle, I am met for certain mad drop! " old pasture pasture is angry: "Old father, do then you hope my savior is mad drop? " old boss goggle at is big: "You tell me: You hope you are old pa is mad drop, still hope your savior is mad drop? " agile ground answers old pasture pasture: "The problem is gold boa belong to family full circle formerly ah! " say of old boss gnash one's teeth: "Did that pay him 1 million yuan of travel? " say of old pasture pasture: "Full circle said, you give him 1 million yuan he also does not want, he is about his gold boa! " say of old boss gnash one's teeth: "1 million yuan he does not want, I am then helpless, I should leave gold boa beside for certain, he loves how how! He loves how how!!

This day of morning, when old boss is following gold boa amuse oneself, there is a piece of scrip to run hastily in old mother hand: "Bad bad. " old boss one Jing: "What job to produce? " old mom is taking cry antrum say: "Our pasture pasture runs away from home! " old mom hands old boss scrip, write on scrip: Old father, love for yours, you do not discuss close situation unexpectedly, do not say friendship, too make me disappointed, I decide to run away from home; If you love your son sincerely, you still give my savior gold boa, beside I return you immediately; If you do not return gold boa to my savior, beside I won't return you again... old boss grin laughs: "Smelly boy, still coerce me presumably? Money is done not have on your body, you can not move a step, have more than is needed a few days, you are met good gracious beside return me! " old mom fire: "Good, since you so excessive attention to plaything saps the will, egoistic, connect a son you without giving thought to, do I still live together what to meaning there is with you? I also run away from home! I also run away from home!!

Old mom do what one says, she everything is cleared away appropriate, ran away from home really. This old boss was dumbfounded. After 3 days, old boss calls to mother and daughter of old pasture pasture, let their mother and daughter come back, he still gives full circle gold boa.

After mother and daughter of old pasture pasture is returned, old boss already be laid up was in on the bed, old pasture pasture sees old father disease was become such, honest some cannot bear at the heart, be opposite then old boss say: "Old father, my be enlightened, this gold boa stays beside you, I send 1 million yuan to full circle, these 1 million yuan if he does not want again, he loves how how. He loves how how..

Buoyant of old pasture pasture runs, he tells old boss, this time Man Yuanzhen was about these 1 million yuan, he did not want gold boa. Old boss nature is glad and clinking, disease is very fast good, he as usual, from time to time lets gold boa tangle to go up in his neck; From time to time lets gold boa tangle to go up in him body; From time to time lies on the ground, let gold boa climb to climb on his body, massage to him.

This day morning, old boss comes to the side of gold boa, gold boa as usual, it is to climb his foot first, old boss just wanted to crouch a private parts, gold boa actually a bite into the shoe of old boss, die to death with the body then entwine the leg of old boss, old boss is astonied, gold boa is this to should kill me? Old boss aphonia cries greatly: "Help, help, will quickly help ah -- " the uncle of Chen Dian pasture, Chen Dian pasture, old mother runs rapidly, the body that old pasture pasture and uncle do all one can twine gold boa shakes unclench, but gold boa anyway not release what is held. Ground of have no alternative looks at old pasture pasture old boss: "Old father, it is not release what is held, how can this do? " say of ground of old boss gnash: "The life that I love it to resemble loving me is same, its instead considers place my deathtrap, too make me sad, what still leaving it to work? With hilt its head chop comes down! " old pasture pasture is urgent: "Old father, cannot come down its head chop, if come down its head chop, we but with respect to the loss 1 million yuan ah! " old boss is stupefied: "We how with respect to the loss 1 million yuan ah? " old pasture pasture hurries say: "If we return gold boa to full circle in perfect condition, he have to good gracious still give us 1 million yuan that us! " place of old boss grimace in pain nods: "Those who say also is, but how can you let it release what is held? " say of old pasture pasture: "I have idea! " old pasture pasture runs back to the home, draw out a few bottles of mineral water from freezer, fall into birdbath, he irrigates cold water toward the head of gold boa slowly, after was being irrigated a little while, gold boa opened the mouth, old boss took the foot from the mouth of gold boa come out.

Old pasture pasture still gives full circle gold boa, full circle toots toot cried unexpectedly with joy, full mom is to indissoluble very, ask Chen Dian pasture: "You are old pa loves gold boa, catch the lot that likes him, how did he still give us with respect to be willing to part with or use? " say of old pasture pasture: "I sign up for to tell favour plan, it is evil spirit cost really pains, I recalled action way eventually finally: I cheat me old father runs away from home, actually I was to go provincial capital, consult to the expert, the expert tells me: Boa most be overcome the bite of tick bug, after tick bug bites, it is met special irritating, it can atttack a person. I take the advantage of old father carelessly, often get gold boa in brushwood, there is tick worm over there, I am afraid that I am old pa encounters accident, call my uncle our home, we two people can make sure I am old the absolute safety of pa! " full circle looks carefully, there is black bit really in the scale of gold boa, that black bit, it is tick bug as expected, full circle is urgent: "This tick bug cannot be placed outside, its body can be placed come out, but head clip does not come out, it still can continue to bite gold boa, gold boa is not to be met all the same be agitated, can atttack a person all the same! " old pasture pasture draws out a needle from bag, it is uncannily tells full circle very: "This is that expert gives the injection that match technically, here put slight poison, want to hit this needle on gold boa body only, not a little while tick bug can get out those who run from the scale of gold boa. " old pasture pasture hits a needle to gold boa before long, the tick bug that those in gold boa scale getting received a ground to climb only.

The tear of full circle clang with a clang flowed: "Thank you! "Thank you!!

Old pasture pasture laughs slightly: "If you think benedictory word really, thank yourself well, it is your goodness, got for you most the most kind-hearted redound! Got for you most the most kind-hearted redound!!

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