Nanyang policeman [with case · view] forge a driver's license to open cart? This reason is no good!

Sichuan millet often says

Be in Nanyang, the card that take a holiday has no way out!

Come out to cover, always want to return

True holiday not, false true not

No matter run to which ~ ,taking false testimony

Sichuan millet can catch you

On March 24 18:31, group of policeman of public security bureau of square city county is on duty the policeman is saving 239 lines a section of a highway of 4 lis of inn sets card to be on duty, when large to one comfort MH1*** semi-trailer undertakes checking, discovery drives the drives a model to be A2 definitely driver's license form of a written or printed character that person Zhang Mou shows is unusual, and in questioning a procedure, zhang Mou one's words twinkles, avoid an inquiry of purpose.

Nanyang policeman [with case · view] forge a driver's license to open cart? This reason is no good!

Then, the policeman executes the law through shift terminal undertakes checking to Zhang Mou information, the system inquires the result shows, piece some pass an entrance examination the driver's license that drives a model to be E definitely, did not obtain A2 driver's license. Before evidence, zhang Mou admitted he uses the fact that forges a driver's license. Original, zhang Mou to can drive large car earns money, forged an A2 driver's license to drive through network channel carry of battalion of car start off, did not think of by " piercing eye " policeman get behind.

Nanyang policeman [with case · view] forge a driver's license to open cart? This reason is no good!

Not agree with because of be suspected of allowing to drive and use forge motor vehicle driver's license two illegal behavior, zhang Mou is incorporated to be in 5000 yuan of amerce lawfully, administration detains 3 days.

(Nanyang policeman authority is released)

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