It is under the development tide of technology of global artificial intelligence, our country already rose development artificial intelligence to the height of national strategy. Of print and distribute of the State Council " new generation artificial intelligence develops a program " the strategic goal that made clear development of artificial intelligence of our country new generation, to 2020, artificial intelligence is overall advanced level of technology and application and world is synchronous, artificial intelligence industry makes new important economy point of growth.
As artificial intelligence technology mature gradually, the development of the industry tycoon layout such as science and technology, manufacturing industry, applied setting expands ceaselessly, dimensions of market of Chinese artificial intelligence was 23.82 billion yuan about 2018, increase rate is achieved 56.6% . Predict 2019, dimensions of market of Chinese artificial intelligence near 28 billion yuan.
The rapid development of artificial intelligence industry, the Chinese is versed in intelligent industry heat is not decreased, the industry casts financing dimensions to appear rise trend. From the point of business investment, 2017, 2018 two, our country casts financing incident to amount to 131 about equity of collect of secret of artificial intelligence trade. Among them, cast financing incident amount to erupt about artificial intelligence industry 2017, amount to 106; Was 25 2018.
From investment annulus second in light of, 2017, 2018 two, financing annulus is cast in artificial intelligence industry second in, angel annulus investment is occupied than most, for 50% , cast financing incident to be 66; It is A annulus to cast financing next, occupy than amounting to 24% , the project amounts to 32; PreA annulus casts financing incident to have 15 cases, occupy than for 12% ; B annulus casts financing incident to have 5 cases.
More data asks academy of industry of the business in reference to release " 2019-2024 year foreground of industry of Chinese artificial intelligence and investment opportunity research report " , at the same time in business industry academy still provides an industry garden of plan of program of big data, industry, industry engineers capital attraction of program, industry to wait for a solution.