Annihilate - battleplan of 20 concealed body
Explode recently the United States with heavy dot earns sufficient the eyeball of the whole world, below the circumstance that still is in where the wind and the waves are highest in the trustful crisis of Boeing company, air force by exposure an interesting thing.
Report of the intermediary outside round-the-world times cite says, air force purchases application report in what announced recently in, indication U.S. Army issued report of an invite public bidding to their potential supplier, the hope can counterfeit in the budgetary of 300 million dollar an annihilate - battleplan of 20 concealed body.
Annihilate - of the 20 countries that can be our country heavy implement, it is complete Asia's most advanced opportunity for combat, own own intellectual property completely, the assembly inside airframe also is top-secret. American what is this to want to work after all?
Annihilate - battleplan of 20 concealed body
The report says, the annihilate that air force asks to counterfeit - opportunity for combat of 20 concealed body, must defy in radar function, electron equipment and on production material as far as possible achieve former outfit annihilate - the level of 20. This imitated machine asks to be able to undertake flying checking, in order to facilitate U.S. Army can fast control the characteristic of this advanced battleplan.
Before this, air force base appeared an annihilate - 20 wait for dimension model, in question closely with all possible means under, the U.S. Army is helpless the model machine that admitting is Marine Corps training. Look now, model machine cannot have satisfied the U.S. Army's requirement apparently.
As the American that values intellectual property all along, such doing do not blush?
It is the United States was aware of the crisis this really probably, the level of science and technology of oneself is chased by other country spare no effort, the advantage that cannot allow oneself maintains in exceed generation level, die more than 10 years, the era that the U.S. Army is preserving battleplan of air force of all to the whole world nation by right of battleplan of F-22 concealed body needs an advantage, annihilate - of 20 come on the stage let this kind of advantage clear thoroughly. American is made in the domain in sky bully superior move is smashed by biff, wanting naturally how to can be pulled again big this kind of difference, and at present their thinkable method builds annihilate of a tall copy namely - 20. So face puts in face 's charge, this tall copy opportunity for combat still wants to build.
Annihilate - battleplan of 20 concealed body
American aviation industry is on the research and development of new product in last few years rare achievement, the plan of research and development of 6 acting machine also cannot be advanced tardy, newest battleplan F-35 is inferior to even the F-22 that develops 10 years ago, civil aviaton domain is more by Boeing 3 months worked " plane having a person " hind the market that lost the whole world, cannot have the vigor of American aviation industry relied on red Niu Laizheng to save.
Even if by force of real pressure, air force disregards intellectual property to begin " bold-faced " barefaced and imitated annihilate - 20, can be you folded to vacate pattern to come by him? The development of new-style to opportunity for combat needs capital of dollar of one billion four hundred and ten million and sixty-five thousand four hundred and eight class at every turn, 300 million imitation of the U.S. Army cannot become more proficient in one's profession, but 300 million dollar builds the annihilate that gives an appearance to be close to - 20 completely possible still.
Interesting is, the invite public bidding of this 300 million dollar caused the U.S. Army of Chinese netizen spit groove, netizen say: China is annihilate - produce a country of 20 formerly, send plan of invite public bidding to China, we receive 300 million RMB only. Want, still go really probably, the annihilate that a netizen made example of a geometric ratio with respect to proper motion 2017 - 20, expenditure seemed to use 20 much RMBs only.